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Doormen in Sheffield - the Good, the Bad and the Unlicensed


What's your opinion of Bouncers?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of Bouncers?

    • They do a good job under harsh conditions
    • They don't do enough
    • They are power-mad
    • Hmm, i don't really have an opinion

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GatecrasherOne doorstaff are fine if it's a Hed Kandi night - they have a laugh with you, make an effort to get you in quickly and if it's raining have been known to hand umbrellas out :D


Other nights when it's full of ****** up people puking everywhere and starting fights they aren't usually as friendly, not surprising though really :)


Zero staff have been good for a while too - used to be a pain in the arse a fair few years ago though.

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Originally posted by missrabbit

That would have been hard in berlins as it didn't have an upstairs, not only are they thugs they are magicians too!


Sorry rabbit thats in niche where they take people upstairs, in Berlins they throw you down the steps.

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Had a horrible experience at Gatecrasher once where 3 of the doormen started saying really disgusting stuff to me...I'm sure you can guess.


I was dressed in v.short skirt, little top and flip flops (this was summer by the way!) but I felt they thought just because I was dressed like that I was out for one thing. It made me feel sick.


I would imagine most of the horrible door people are just on some kind of sad little power trip. Let's hope they wake up and get a real job that doesn't involve sexual harrassment.

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Many years ago when I could be found on the door at the Wap one of the policies was underage people were not allowed in, there may have been a few exceptions for some of the prettier girls but on the whole this policy was adhered too. Nowadays though I meet many young people who have been out clubbing and pubbing since being 15 or so. I'd have to say you'd be a lousy doorperson if you culdn't spot and then stop a lot of the youngsters that i know.

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

Nowadays though I meet many young people who have been out clubbing and pubbing since being 15 or so. I'd have to say you'd be a lousy doorperson if you culdn't spot and then stop a lot of the youngsters that i know.


I started going to pubs at the age of 15.. and that was in 1983 - so there's nothing really new there...


People always seem to think that underage drinking, drunkeness and general lairy behaviour just started a few years ago - when its always been like that - the opening of the big beer barn type placesmight ahve concentrated things a bit - but friday & sat nights have always been rowdy...

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I would definitely say that the average age of people trying to get into the city centre pubs and clubs has dropped somewhat. There again i can remember when for a guy if you weren't in a shirt and tie and had polished shoes you'd get turned away from plenty of clubs.

I'd also say that the general 'rowdiness' has got worse over the last few years after all most pubs did not need door staff or bouncers and a friend who had the dubious pleasure of working in A and E says that injury as a direct result of drunken 'rowdiness' has increased dramatically.

I'm fully aware there were under age drinkers in the early 80's as they sometimes tried to get into the Wap with limited success I might add.

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

I would definitely say that the average age of people trying to get into the city centre pubs and clubs has dropped somewhat. There again i can remember when for a guy if you weren't in a shirt and tie and had polished shoes you'd get turned away from plenty of clubs.

I'd also say that the general 'rowdiness' has got worse over the last few years after all most pubs did not need door staff or bouncers and a friend who had the dubious pleasure of working in A and E says that injury as a direct result of drunken 'rowdiness' has increased dramatically.

I'm fully aware there were under age drinkers in the early 80's as they sometimes tried to get into the Wap with limited success I might add.


I have a theory about this - as I get older, the people who actually are old enough to drink look younger and younger. I'm sure there are a few underage drinkers that slip through the net - but it does always embarass me when I get asked for ID when I'm older than most of the people already in the pub.

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There are indeed a lot of baby faces around and it's so annoying when they turn up in your favorite watering hole and lower the tone of the establishment. However I've helped out at a youth group and quite a few of the people I know around my area have teenage kids. So I've known gangly little eight year olds turning into 'sophisticated' 16-17 year old and as I still talk to them they quite openly talk about the kingdom and other such places that they go to. I want to know where they are getting the money from or has pocket money gone up a lot? I knew one 14 year old lass who had an older boyfriend and used to go out clubbing on a regular basis and I find it difficult to believe that any door person would pass her over as I've seen her in her glad rags and she still looks very young. It amused me a while ago when there was a group of young people in a pub at Attercliffe, I'd spotted them and just knew they were under-age. My friend overheard their conversation and they were talking about what they'd been doing at school. Unfortunately for them one of the bar staff overheard the same conversation and so they were asked for proof of age and then asked politely to leave and not come back. I'm pretty sure as well that the landlord then rang two other pubs just along the road and warned them of the group in quesation.

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