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Names of "houses" in Sheffield schools

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I was at King Ecgberts in the 60's-70' and the houses then were (if I can remember correctly)


St. Margaret


St Hilda

St. Cecelia

St. Joan


There may have been another one but I can't remember (such a long time ago) They could also have changed when we went comp with Abbeydale in 1969 I think it was and thryintroduced BOYS. They probably wouldn't like all the female saints names.

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We have done High Storrs to death, earlier in the thread, (BTW, you and I would have been there at broadly similar times, iIwas there till 1980.


Miss Catliffe wouldn't thank you for spelling her name like that, though ! ;) lol ;)




Sorry PT but Barbara's name was spelt CATTLIFF!

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Notre Dame 47-52


Red Our Lord

Green St Joseph

Blue Our Lady

Gold Blessed Mere Julie who founded the Notre Dame order of nuns.




When I was at Notre Dame in the early 90s it was


Red - Firth

Yellow - Oakbrook (or was it Oakwood...?)

Green - Hallam

Blue - Cavendish


Actually I'm not sure if they're right at all... But they were definitely named after something other than the blessed holies. Incidentally, was Sister Conceptor there when you were? I remember her shuffling around the halls. All us kids used to speculate that she had actually died many years previously and been used in some mummification experiment. She was one of the last of the nuns to go I think... Very old she was...

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De La Salle 1969-1976 (showing my age now). The houses were;






All names of English Catholic martyrs.


House points were awarded, with a day-out to some scummy east coast resort for all members of the winning house at the end of the school year, tho' I must admit they became more entertaining when we were in the sixth-form and could get away with sitting in the pubs during opening hours. :D

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