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Names of "houses" in Sheffield schools

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I left King Teds in 1974 and don't remember any "houses" there


Well when I was there, the houses were, Arundel, Chatsworth, Clumber, Haddon, Lynwood?,1 thats forgotten, Wentworth, Welbeck.


On your first day in your new class you were allocated a house. It usually went in alphabetical order with the firs 2 being in Arundel, the next two Chatsworth and so on. After 16 pupils it went back to Arundel again. So everyone whose name started with an A was usually in Arundel.

I was in Chatsworth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi davidellison

You are almost right about Springvale House Special School the houses were named after the surrounding areas and colours were Collegiate Crescent Red, Lynwood Green, Gloucester Crescent (Blue) and Park Crescent Yellow. I was Captain of Collegiate for the last period of 1951. Access to the school was from Park Crescent, off Park Lane, or Gloucester Crescent into the playground. Lynwood, a private house was originally built for South Yorkshire businessman Henry Wilson Lofthouse around 1888. It is now 'Aunt Sallys' part of the www.pub-explorer.com Two for One pub group. I attended Springvale House from 1945 to December 1951, the Festival of Britain year. The head teacher was Rose Wass. One of the teachers Alan Mason took five of us to London for the Festival. Some names I can remember are. Michael Hague, Leonard Levick, Stephen Jeffcock, Jack and his sister May Brindley, Patricia Sutton, John Havenhand, June Gavin. I would be interested to hear from any other pupils who can remember that period. Whats my name???

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Stainless
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malin bridge in the seventies were mars venus jupiter and saturn (or was it uranus lol)


Woodbourne Road Juniors in the late 60's was also Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupitor. The colours were red, green, blue and yellow but I can't remember which was which.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I remember at Prince Edwards (Manor) they were named after 4 castles in Wales...Conway, Caerarvon, Caephilly and Harlech...they are the only thing I learnt about Wales!!


When changing schools to Westways at Crookes they were named after reservoirs....Derwent, Strines, Ladybower and Redmires.

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