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Story: 'Trapped!' by Redrobbo

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From Redrobbo:


Inspiration for the May theme has proved somewhat elusive! My inspiration

finally came from "Snake", written by one of my favourite poets, D.H.

Lawrence. The poet recalls an encounter with a snake, in which he writes

"I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education."

That line became my starting point for Trapped!


I began this story over a week ago, but was dissatisfied with my efforts. I

have now reworked the story, and now await to see what my fellow Writing

Group reviewers make of it!


Trapped! by Redrobbo.

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Thank you scribe and pattricia for your warm reviews.


I never thought I could write a story to a theme chosen by someone else, but I appear to have risen to this challenge.


My first attempt was pathetic, as I could not get the story to flow. However, this substantial revision seems to have met with your approval. I'm pleased that I persevered now. Thanks for your encouraging reviews. :thumbsup:



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Aww, I'm very glad the story ended how it did! It shows that your writing was able to capture - pardon the pun - this reader, since I was so concerned about the outcome.


One minor point I noticed was some occasional repetition, e.g. "drizzle" used 3times in paras 2 & 3, and "find" used twice in para 9: perhaps a thesaurus might help find an alternative expression to vary it up a bit?

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