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Liverpool Street

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The firm you remember was originally Hadfields Heckla Works and the upstairs part was actually the canteen. It then became Millspaugh and workstaff used to arrive on a back-loader double decker bus for their lunch and while they were having lunch we used to play on the buses.

Edited by macstewart
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  • 2 years later...

Hi mtnortcliff- welcome to the Forum! :) There are a few photos of Liverpool Street and the surrounding area on the picturesheffield.com website. Here is a link to one of the photos, and a link to a map on the sheffieldhistory.co.uk site - Liverpool Street is in the upper left corner. Click on the map to enlarge - the location of No 123 is shown. Here is an "overlay" map - there is a blue dot towards the left-hand side. Click on this and drag it to the left to see a modern aerial view.

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My father used to be the manager at Jack Flaherty's steel works on Liverpool Street in the mid to late 70's. I'm relatively sure it was the white building on the left in the streetview picture here:




I remember going there many times as a teenager and seeing the flattened areas opposite where the housing used to be. I think there may have been one or two houses still standing but the rest was derelict.


Was your father's name Malcom? I worked there in the late 70's. I have been trying to find some information on the employees who worked there.

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Was your father's name Malcom? I worked there in the late 70's. I have been trying to find some information on the employees who worked there.


My fathers name was John. I think his job title was Managing Director and if memory serves me correctly (for a teenager in the 70's) he seemed to be the boss at Liverpool St and had a foreman called Terry.

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I might have got the name wrong then, maybe it was Terry not Malcom. The foreman or manager on the shop floor. I drove the forklift. I remember Ken who was a surface grinder and George, also Clyde I think who was the profile burner. I remember some of the other guy's but names escape me.

I remember the foreman bringing a bottle of whisky out and some glasses for us one Christmas, probably 1979.

Edited by KenL60
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