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Ghost/Orb Hunting

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Me and a colleague at work are interested in orbs and would like to meet other like-minded people who organise, or are members of, groups for people interested in this phenomena in the local area.


Please contact me with any information, or if you just fancy a chat about your experiences or theories.



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my theory is that they are reflection or lens artefacts. and are often the result of compact digicams with the flash very close to the lens.


I've never seen one not on a photograph/digital image.


So you would need a mechanism by which the orbs could appear on film and CCD without being visible to the naked eye.


CCDs have heavy IR filters, but are still sensitive to some IR light (try photographing a remote control with a digicam), but then most photographic film is not IR sensitive.


In any case, I'd opt for the simplest theory, and test that. Somewhere on here I skeched out an experiment that might at least 'shed some light' on the matter, if not resolve it.

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That might explain it for cameras that only take photos, but have you ever seen any footage of them moving about? I'm not 100% sure of what they are myself and I don't feel I can theorise without actually having first hand experience of them.


All I can say is, from the videos I've seen, it's not light reflection.

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I cant provide a link simply because I havent bothered uploading it, to be quite honest I'm still occasionally looking at it and trying to rule out possible natural cause... (lol! the curse of the sceptical paranormal investigator, eh?)

The only stuff I put on the website or upload is stuff we cant find a natural cause for, and even then we dont claim it as evidence - merely as unexplained... We have on occasion removed pics etc from the website because we have later found natural causes for it.

The main problem with this footage is that it was taken out of doors, so its hard to rule out insects etc. although i must admit, it doesnt move like an insect. The other problem is that its really faint...

Interesting point is that it moves with the gait of a person walking. Which is why its held my interest for so long.

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