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Ghost/Orb Hunting

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I'll have a look for it later - Ive got piles and piles of tapes containing footage, and my office looks like a warzone at the moment... plus Im on an invo this weekend so it may be after Sunday. Seriously, if it was that good it would already be on the website!

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I'm interested to know why any orb ever caught on camera is anything other than a naturally occuring optical effect. It is, as Phanerothyme said, a phenomenon captured only on compact digital cameras, never on film. It's pretty much established now, that orbs are caused by refraction/reflection of - usually - the illumination of the flash which highlights, due to the close proximity of the lens to the flash, minute particles of dust and water vapour directly in front of the camera lens. - It's a telling fact that zoom lenses produce proportionately fewer orbs when operating at full zoom.


I've never come across a paranormal group yet that's failed to respond to those facts by saying, Yeah, we agree with that. But there are the odd 1 or 2 percent of our orbs that we can't explain. Why, I don't know, I find it baffling - there's a strange reluctance to let go and flush the subject away.


One day we will look back at this period of paranormal idiocy and we'll snigger at the beliefs as we now do about ectoplasm and the Cottingley Fairies.


And let's face it, if you have the odd anomaly captured on video and you can't identify it as being an insect, dust or length of swirling hair, why on earth is it even tentatively labeled as "paranormal"? The orb supporters at this point always cry signs of intelligent interaction, but whenever I've seen the footage, it's always more likely to be the camera man creating a draft as he walks towards the dust blob than the "concentrated first signs of spirit manifestation" flying away from him.

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Hello, Kirsty.


No, I've not met you, but I do know your site very well.


Firstly, let me show you this photograph (ignore the blobs in centre frame - that's my blurred out friends). The photograph was taken in very heavy rain, which shows up as orbs of light. Not all of the orbs are round, some have tails, some look as if they are flying upwards and sideways. They weren't. It was just raining. Interestingly, it's not the torrent that's visible, but the tiny points of rain particles swirling in front of the lens.


Now, onto your site (link). I hope you don't mind me borrowing an image, it's just for the purposes of demonstration and allows me to make a comparison more easily. Here is a photograph from your webpage, taken - I think - by yourself. Same orbs, same apparent flight characteristics.


My point here being that neither of these images are of paranormal origin, or at least, the likelyhood is so small as to be utterly insignificant. I presume you'd agree? So if that's the case, displaying yours prominently in your photograph section with the text which contains the phrase "what appear to be moving orbs" is serving only to feed the myth of the nature of orbs. You also use the phrase "Although it was a calm, dry night...", which we can only infer means that because of the lack of breeze and low humidity, you are ruling out water particles as a source, which is obviously wrong.


You do have a section to discuss your photos, but the orb photograph is currently not available for discussion. This leaves the orb photos to present themselves at face value - paranormal orbs on a paranormal website. By displaying the orb photograph in the manner that you have, especially with the accompanying text, you are adding unwarranted significance to the photograph. Why not just take it down?


Your site is, whatever your skeptical opinion on the nature of orbs, treating them in exactly the same way as all the others.

The same can be said for your "strange mist" photograph, but I'll resist the urge to poke you with the pointy stick about that - it's an orb thread after all.


What's your thoughts?

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Hey Ant, the photo as you quite rightly said is misleading, and will be removed shortly. It was originally put on the site before I had come across the explaination you have given, and was meant to be removed along with a couple of others - which I did remove at the time.


As you will appreciate, the study of phenomena is an ongoing thing, with new explainations for existing phenomena thought to be paranormal cropping up every day, and while I do try to keep up to date on research some aspects do get by me.


The website is, as you said, clearly in need of updating, and I thank you for pointing out the photo in question so that I can take it off...


Sad thing is... I know the moisture particle thing!! cant understand how that one got away :-(


I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the strange mist photo, though...


and the one I currently have up for discussion?


Thanks for your input, Ant - its much appreciated!!



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The offending photo has now been removed from the site - along with a further explaination to another photo, which i have left visible to illustrate a false positive.


I would like to apologise to anyone who feels that they have been mislead by information and or photos on our website, I am not infallible and I made a mistake.

The photo on the photo discussion page as yet has not been explained and so remains open to anyones suggestion as to its cause. I can assure you it has not been altered in any way, all the obvious avenues (trees, cobwebs etc.) have been ruled out, and it has been up for analysis for a long time now with no viable cause or explaination. To be quite frank - its bugging me, and i would love to know what caused it!!


Again, thanks to Ant for making me see the error of my ways :-)

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I've got some crazy photo's of orbs.


I shall post some links on here very soon. There are hundreds at once in a church yard with a scary story behind it.


Apologies, but need to go off line now. I shall be back to tell the full story!!

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Is there perhaps a brickwall nearby upon which I could bang my aching head? :hihi:


I've got some crazy photo's of orbs.


I shall post some links on here very soon. There are hundreds at once in a church yard with a scary story behind it.


It will have been a humid night, Zilily, whether or not you remember it as being particularly humid. And if the photos are of a church interior, it will have been a dusty church, not that you'd have known it as you walked around.

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