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Ghost/Orb Hunting

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I went out today and got hundreds of orbs do you think my gardens haunted, couldn't stop out to long though because it was ******* it down.:huh::hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


:wave: Yeah, I'd say it's an Indian burial ground. A very wet one.

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view the pictures yourself. It wasn't raining on the night. It wasn't particulary warm either. Think what you like, I'm really not bothered what people say but I saw what I saw.


And to the person earlier saying that orbs only seem to appear on digital cameras. I have some on normal disposable cameras.





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1st 1 to me anyway, looks like a streetlight through a wet window pane.



Not trying to rubbish your pics...just what my first reaction to pic was.

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view the pictures yourself. It wasn't raining on the night. It wasn't particulary warm either. Think what you like, I'm really not bothered what people say but I saw what I saw.


And to the person earlier saying that orbs only seem to appear on digital cameras. I have some on normal disposable cameras.






Notice a similarity to my photograph?


It wasn't raining here either. My orbs aren't paranormal, so it's very doubtful that yours are. The fact that you captured orbs on a compact is explanation enough - it needn't be digital.


But as you're not bothered what people say, I suppose my post is pretty irrelevant.

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What's needed is new terminology.


The word "orb" now has weighted meaning - sometimes I'm embarrassed to even type it. "Crabs" - there's a good one. I caught crabs last night. - Really? - Yeah, in the churchyard with Ethel the medium.


That may just break the mystique of orb hunting.

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okay, so the chances are the first photo, with the flowerbed is in all probability a 'false positive' caused by light refracting off the pollen particles in the near focus area of the cameras lens. The Second one is a similar false positive, though this one does indeed appear to be taken through glass... not sure though.

You can however, recreate the second photo by photographing water spray. Not saying thats how you did it, just saying you can get a similar effect that way.

The reason I asked if the flash had been used ... this effect only appears when there is a strong alternative light source.

You mentioned also having an experience in the churchyard?


Ant... in agreement with the terminology thing... maybe not crabs though, eh?

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