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This is an incredibly tough and let's admit it, sad subject. But at least we're discussing it here and I believe that's a positive step in the right direction.


Firstly, there's nothing wrong with the feeling of being lonely. What can be harmful is when it occupies your thoughts all the time that you are lonely, that nobody loves you and that you feel isolated and cut off from others.


Don't be under the impression that everyone is having a whale of a time and that you're missing out. That's a misconception and can be damaging. I, by nature am a lonely person. But it doesn't equate to being a sad person! I spend a great deal of my life sat in this office by myself but I got used to it ages ago and would feel more uncomfortable working with a bunch of people. Give me my own space any day.


But this website can reach out to anybody feeling not just lonely, but sad and separated from The Rest Of The World. And do you know what the beauty of this is? When you've had enough of us, or more likely, ME!, you can switch off!!!!:clap:


Loneliness is not an illness. I'm a Gemini and I swing from Yin to Yang all the time. I know that if I'm feeling depressed this minute then a time is coming when I'm going to be feeling great. (Sorry, this sounds so self-righteous doesn't it - I'm just trying to put a positive vibe in here.)


I've got everything one could possibly want from life, yet I get lonely. It happens. Maybe my loneliness helps me appreciate not just what I've got but who I've got in my life? Maybe it stops me getting carried away?


I dunno. As I said, it's a tough'un; but my heart goes out to all you who are not so much lonely, as sad and isolated. Paradoxically: If you're lonely, you are not alone!!

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It's odd that when I was single and lived alone for years I didn't have a problem with feeling lonely, but now I'm in a relationship I get lonely and quite depressed realy quickly if my partner is away, even though I'm going to work and out with friends etc.


But at other times I crave to be on my own for a few days.


I can't explain why that is.

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