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Newfield School History

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On 22/02/2020 at 10:11, Janet Olsen said:

Good on ya Linda as we say in Oz. Yes you have the correct surname. Our Sue still lives locally  & when we have previously visited the UK Sue Jean & I visited the school when it was still there, it was a weekend so we just had a bit of a walk around & a trip down memory lane. Memories stay with us for ever don't they & some of those teachers are as fresh in my mind as they were back then. Terrified of Mrs Fletcher (Guess what my daughters surname is now she is married??? yep Fletcher). Loved Mrs Hughes Mrs Payling & even Mrs Warburton in the end.    Atrip to Florida sounds great Linda hope you enjoyed it. Jean & Andy reckon their trip while they were with us,  to  Frazer Island was the highlight of their Queensland experience. Frazer is the largest Sand Island in the world. They had a trip in a very small 9 seater plane over the island as well which is very memorable.  Hope we enjoy the hot air balloon experience as much (tame as it is haha).   Good luck with your book Linda I often think about putting pen to paper & I suppose I should do that to some extent for the grandkids because it's too late to aske the questions when we are gone isn't it? I know I regret not asking my parents more while I had the chance. My life has had so many twists & turns Linda it might take another life time to write it all down though haha.  I don't think your memory is faulty, I am sure we never had any class photos at Newfield but I will check with Jean & Anne. Stay well & safe. Great chatting.


Bless you Janet, yes I remember many of the teachers and I was scared of Mrs Fletcher too (or piggy on stilts, as we called her when she was out of earshot, haha). I've done quite a bit of writing in the past, Mrs Hughes's English lessons standing me in good stead, I really liked her, and I've been wanting to crack on with my story for over 20 years but never thought I could actually do it. I started jotting down memories in a notebook as they came to me then decided to take the bull by the horns and make a start last October. It's surprising how the memories come flooding back.  Whether or not I can actually get it published as a memoir is a different matter, but at least my son will have something to look back on, a record of what his Mum's life was like growing up. I'd say do it, Janet, give it a go, it might be something you regret later on if you don't.  xx

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Linda I hope you keep going with your book I am sure if nothing else it will put your life into some kind of perspective for you maybe make you aware of things about yourself you didn't realise. I have read a few fantastic  books by a Sheffield chap (can't think of his name off hand) We're's Me Mam & Wer's me Dad for example, really enjoyed them & brought lots of memories back. I think we were so lucky to have been born into the era we were. The 60's were just unbeatable wern't they? the music the fashion the dancing etc. Nothing beats those days.

Mrs Hughes was a fantastic English teacher & also even made religion interesting didn't she? Wondering if you still keep in touch with Shirley F?


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Hi Janet, yes I'm keeping going with it, doing some writing most days when I get time and I'm determined to finish it. If I give up now, I will always regret it. I'm over half way through it now, so a lot to lose. I can't recall who wrote both of those books you mentioned but I've got copies of both and, like you, I enjoyed them immensely. I think it was the most fabulous time and we were very lucky to have been born when we did, we knew harship but we were always happy and able to play out in the streets without our parents worrying. I'm not in contact now with Shirley for personal reasons but we did stay in touch for quite a lot of years after we both married, going out regularly with our husbands and enjoying spending time together. Janet, I wondered if you could remember if we went swimming with the class when we were at Newfield? I know I did with one school but can't recall whether it was my junior school or the latter. I also tried to find you on Facebook without luck.

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8 hours ago, Coyote5 said:

Hi Janet, yes I'm keeping going with it, doing some writing most days when I get time and I'm determined to finish it. If I give up now, I will always regret it. I'm over half way through it now, so a lot to lose. I can't recall who wrote both of those books you mentioned but I've got copies of both and, like you, I enjoyed them immensely. I think it was the most fabulous time and we were very lucky to have been born when we did, we knew harship but we were always happy and able to play out in the streets without our parents worrying. I'm not in contact now with Shirley for personal reasons but we did stay in touch for quite a lot of years after we both married, going out regularly with our husbands and enjoying spending time together. Janet, I wondered if you could remember if we went swimming with the class when we were at Newfield? I know I did with one school but can't recall whether it was my junior school or the latter. I also tried to find you on Facebook without luck.

I will send you pm with Janet's face book link .

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On 25/02/2020 at 05:41, Janet Olsen said:

Linda I hope you keep going with your book I am sure if nothing else it will put your life into some kind of perspective for you maybe make you aware of things about yourself you didn't realise. I have read a few fantastic  books by a Sheffield chap (can't think of his name off hand) We're's Me Mam & Wer's me Dad for example, really enjoyed them & brought lots of memories back. I think we were so lucky to have been born into the era we were. The 60's were just unbeatable wern't they? the music the fashion the dancing etc. Nothing beats those days.

Mrs Hughes was a fantastic English teacher & also even made religion interesting didn't she? Wondering if you still keep in touch with Shirley F?


sent your face book page link to coyote5.

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14 hours ago, ray6 said:

Hi,just foundthis page by browsing. 

I was in class 4B and left around 1968 

joined the army as a boy soldier 

I remember messers Bromyard  ,houdmont,Wilson thraves 


Regards to anyone who was there at the time 

I left in 65 to join the army as  a junior leader r.a.c, transferred to r.e.m.e as an apprentice mechanic. The forms were named after year and stream when I left ie.1.1  2.1 etc,  because my parents could not afford to keep me on at school I went from 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 down to 4.3 in the last year effectively wasting a quarter of my time there .never liked the place especially the splitting up of boys and girls into separate schools.

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  • 2 months later...
On 27/05/2007 at 17:36, Runningman said:

Hi Danny


Yes, Mr Houdmont was the Head of Maths. He was a Belguim by birth. When we visited Belguim with the school in 1960, I remember him calling at the family home in Bruges.

More memories - Failing the 11 plus was a real blow, but once we had visited Newfield for a look round prior to starting in Sep '58, WOW !! The location, what a view over the city. Sports pitches all around the school. A gymnasium and science labs. Woodwork and Metalwork areas, the large dining room and what I considered to be very enjoyable dinners. Cross country running and an athletics track. Art classes with Peter Owen Jones and memories of sitting and sketching at the side of the old farm. Music lessons with Mr Kirk, an obsessed Wednesdayite ! Jim Witheford was the PE Teacher, a really decent fellow and a Unitedite ! I remember the first Harvest Festival I had ever attended and the official opening in March 1959. I think the girls appeared in Sep 1959. Winning the Clegg Shield at the Ball Inn ground in 1962 after a memorable semi final victory, when after being 1 - 3 down at half time against Shirecliffe, we came back and won 5-3. Graham Wild who lived somewhere around Alderson Road had a brilliant game that day.

I will put the thinking cap on again and come back later with some more memories. Are there any former pupils reading this the same age as me ( 60 )


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