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Newfield School History

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  • 2 months later...



We last spoke on here about 5 years ago. to be honest I,d forgotten all about this forum till just now when I came across it again quite by accident. I could not believe you were still here after all this time. I have been going over the thread again and the memories of Newfield came flooding back. I live in Bournemouth so I don't get to Sheffield now at all so these trips down memory lane mean alot. I know we exchanged real names by pm but sorry i've lost all that info. I see from one of your posts even more Newfield boys have now left. I will now keep following this forum and keep in touch with all the new threads.


Best Regards


C---- S---

AKA   XC60

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1 hour ago, XC60 said:



We last spoke on here about 5 years ago. to be honest I,d forgotten all about this forum till just now when I came across it again quite by accident. I could not believe you were still here after all this time. I have been going over the thread again and the memories of Newfield came flooding back. I live in Bournemouth so I don't get to Sheffield now at all so these trips down memory lane mean alot. I know we exchanged real names by pm but sorry i've lost all that info. I see from one of your posts even more Newfield boys have now left. I will now keep following this forum and keep in touch with all the new threads.


Best Regards


C---- S---

AKA   XC60

Hi  XC60  Will send you a private message

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  • 1 year later...

I was at Newfield School from 1964 to 1969. At that time it was an all boys school but in our last year girls started to come across for lessons.

Iam trying  to remember all the teachers we had including their nicknames.

Mr Ring Ringo, French.  Mr Fulbrook Foo Foo Geography,  Mr Wilson Chinney deputy headmaster, Mr Thraves Throbber  headmaster, Mr Pye Jack Music,  Mr Davis PoP Art, Mr Philips Testube Physics, Mr Bromyard Colin English, Mr Houdmont Monty maths, Mr Kyme hammers  in cupboard Woodwork, Mr Lindley Eric Economics, Mr Kenwood Nooka Geography, Mr Woods Forest Geography, Mr Hurst beaded one Metalwork, Mr Mickinney Jock PE, Mr  Gillard  Woodwork, Mr Williams Biology, Mr Broadhead Tech drawing,  Mr Turner Ted Maths,  Mr Hedley PE, Mr Asquith Moses RE, Mr Bullock Dudley Maths, 

I know Mr Ring and Mr Philips are still with us, I wonder If there are any others. They were great teachers and have fond memories of Newfield.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
On 15/10/2021 at 23:06, Runningman said:

Come on you ex Newfield lads, keep this thread going.


Some information for those of you who remember that rogue of  a lad, Tommy Justice

He passed away earlier this year

Well Runningman, I thought that I had already posted on this thread but seemingly haven't, it must be another one. I was a Carfield intake at Newfield from 61 to 63, Paul Renshaw  went there together and were in the same class, we were close friend both at and out of school, he became head boy and I deputy. I remember the white ribbons sawn around the blazer sleeve cuffs to identify as a prefect; also remember we had the authority to issue lines to misbehavers. The bicycle sheds, if I remember was the best place for catching smokers and don't think the confiscated fags ever got turned in. 

Many of the names I remember, particularly John Nailer, I played in the same football side as he and thought him to be one of the most gifted natural players. I also played in the first 11 cricket side, spent too much time in the nets, and tried out for Yorkshire Colts at Bramhall lane. You had mentioned to me in a PM that Roy Waring had passed away, he too was a good friend, we started an engineering apprenticeships together at Laycock Engineering in September 63. I remember at the time he was madly in love with a girl called Angie from NGS. Brian(?) Jones also started with us and also like Roy joined the police force.

The two books for either GCE or RSA's for English literature were Animal Farm and the Merchant of Venice, I remember all having to learn and recite Portia's speech. Strangely enough having had quite a successful career, I never once had to recite it again.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone from that year.    



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I will add another bit of information regarding David Gallagher who is mentioned in this thread as a strict teacher with overzealous methods of controlling and punishment.


David later became my brother-in-law and had a wonderfully rich career. After leaving Newfield and teaching he went on to work for the Royal Household as assistant press secretary to our Queen for which he was knighted, he then worked in Whitehall for which I cannot say further, after which he worked for many huge international corporations, became a lawyer, he was married by the Pope in Rome. The last time I saw him was in 2017 at his sisters, my sister-in-laws, funeral; at that time he was a lobbyist in Brussels. Sadly he passed away in 2018 at the age of 79.     

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Mr Gallagher took me for maths which was always a very interesting lesson to say the least. I am amazed and also gobsmacked reading what he achieved after leaving Newfield and teaching. sure was one hell of a guy and someone his family can be very proud of

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