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Newfield School History

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Replying to recent posts by butl435, smary and oscar2157.


Albert Merrill and his wife Maureen live in Auckland, New Zealand. Friends of ours, they were over here on holiday in March of this year for the first time in 30 years.

Mr Buxton, one of the old school, didn't teach me but remembered with affection by my older brother.

Lawrence Harper, a really good runner, but then he had to be, as a descendant of the great

Sheffield runner ------ Harper ( christian name gone out of my mind )

Mick Crich, a lovely lad who got in with some bad company !

Paul Gillott, once lived at Bradway, used to socialise with him and his wife, wonder where he is now ?

Mr Houdmont. see him occasionally, now a shadow of his former self !

Jim Witheford lives in Tasmania. Met him a few years ago when he was back in Sheffield on holiday.

The American teacher at Newfield in 58/59 was John Charnock.

smary, think the date your husband played in the Clegg Shield final was earlier than you quoted. I was at the Ball inn the day Newfield won it. 1-0 I believe.

I played in the 62 final, we beat Beaver hill 3-0.


---------- Post added 12-12-2012 at 18:04 ----------


Referring to my post on Tuesday.


Remember now that Lawrence Harper was a descendant of the great Ernest Harper.


The American teacher at Newfield was Jack Charnholm

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Coming from Sharrow Lane school....I was at Newfield from 'day 1' until 1960....The violent teacher you mentioned was a ..Mr Gallagher.../..I think the house name was ''Grove''.../...Mr Buxton was down at the Sitwell road site ?../...Newfield teacher..''Peter Owen Jones'' the artist is not mentioned either../..Good grief !..where did 52 years go to ?...Dj..S20


oscar2157? butl435? is there a connection. Thanks for the reply and bringing back further memories, I would think you came across Mr Gallagher as well! I used to live on Vincent Road next door but one to the school. On my finale year at Sharrow Lane I was at the Sitwell Road site in Mr Buxton's class. The girls were in a similar building opposite the boys.

I remember the art teacher Mr Jones at Newfield, particularly spending hours on a painting made up from dots.

Two of my old friends from round about your time were Lol Harper and Steven Jones - any memories.


---------- Post added 12-12-2012 at 21:23 ----------


Replying to recent posts by butl435, smary and oscar2157.


Albert Merrill and his wife Maureen live in Auckland, New Zealand. Friends of ours, they were over here on holiday in March of this year for the first time in 30 years.

Mr Buxton, one of the old school, didn't teach me but remembered with affection by my older brother.

Lawrence Harper, a really good runner, but then he had to be, as a descendant of the great

Sheffield runner ------ Harper ( christian name gone out of my mind )

Mick Crich, a lovely lad who got in with some bad company !

Paul Gillott, once lived at Bradway, used to socialise with him and his wife, wonder where he is now ?

Mr Houdmont. see him occasionally, now a shadow of his former self !


Jim Witheford lives in Tasmania. Met him a few years ago when he was back in Sheffield on holiday.

The American teacher at Newfield in 58/59 was John Charnock.

smary, think the date your husband played in the Clegg Shield final was earlier than you quoted. I was at the Ball inn the day Newfield won it. 1-0 I believe.

I played in the 62 final, we beat Beaver hill 3-0.


---------- Post added 12-12-2012 at 18:04 ----------


Referring to my post on Tuesday.


Remember now that Lawrence Harper was a descendant of the great Ernest Harper.


The American teacher at Newfield was Jack Charnholm



Thanks for the reply, you are right about Lawrence Harper and his relative - Ernest (Ernie) Harper. Lawrence and I occasionally trained together round Netheredge and Sharrow. His parents owned a green grocers shop at the corner of Sharrow Lane and Club Garden Road, they were really nice people. Lawrence and his wife Victoria moved somewhere down south and I last saw them a number of years ago when they visited another 'old boy' Steve Jones, when he had a pub near Tenter Street in Sheffield. At that time from memory I believe Lawrence was working on helicopters.


I am not sure about the American teacher, I thought his first name was Jim, but there again names don't come easily these days.


I would appreciate it if you could pass on my regards to Albert, didn't he live on Club Garden Road as well?

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Hello....butl435....yes I knew Steven Jones.. Lawrence Harper.. and do recall many other names. I was actually 'IN' Mr Gallaghers class ! cor blimey and knew his methods well. P.O.Jones has died but his family have a website of his work. http://www.peterowenjones.co.uk/index.asp

Your home on Vincent Road...will still be there.. ours is long gone../..I lived at the corner shop / Salmon street and Franklin street.../..Sharrow St.Johns Sunday school/scouts/band and youth club were a large part of my youth, pre-television days.../..I am 11 years retired, from 32 years Sheffield Fire brigade.../..Time marches on !!...Keep good - and all the best from Dj..S20

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at Newfield Girls School from September 1961-April 1965, leaving at Easter which if my memory serves me correctly was the last year pupils were allowed to leave at Easter. I remember all of the teachers mentioned from that era and also Mrs Leroy (she was actually French)- French, Miss Johnson - Art, Mrs Simpkin - Cookery, Mrs Gordon - Music. The annual productions by the respective 4th year students were usually Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, my year staging HMS Pinafore in which I played one of the sailors. I would love to hear from anyone at the girls' school during that era. Where have the last 47 years gone?





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I was at Newfield Girls School from September 1961-April 1965, leaving at Easter which if my memory serves me correctly was the last year pupils were allowed to leave at Easter. I remember all of the teachers mentioned from that era and also Mrs Leroy (she was actually French)- French, Miss Johnson - Art, Mrs Simpkin - Cookery, Mrs Gordon - Music. The annual productions by the respective 4th year students were usually Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, my year staging HMS Pinafore in which I played one of the sailors. I would love to hear from anyone at the girls' school during that era. Where have the last 47 years gone?





i was at the boys school at the same time as you compared to meersbrook bank it was a new world spoilt by the way the place was run.I got the stick first day for walking on the grass at the side of the playground and got involved in a fight on the way home,great start.

Something i have never seen mentioned was the Promotion Relegation system operated after the end of term exams,a number, cant remember how many went up or down depending on exam results.My first year was class 1.1 year 2 2.1 year 3 3.1 and my last i was demoted to class 4.3 because my parents said i could not stop on for the fifth year.The last year at school was a complete waste of time when i started my aprenticeship in the army i was a year behind the rest of the students but still passed out with seven O and A levels.

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Its great to see so many memories here about Newfield schools.I grew up in Meersbrook and attended Newfield Girls School from 1961 to 1965. I do think it was a very tough regime there . We had Miss Wood for French I remember and look out anyone who dared to get anything wrong. You'd be likely to get the board rubber thrown at you! or be kept behind long enough to miss the bus home and be in trouble again there!

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I went to Newfield Girls 1962 - 1966. amongst the teachers I remember are:- Mrs Hughes, Mrs Compton, Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Warburton, Mrs Quinlan, Miss Wilson, Mrs Dewsnap, Miss Topliss was the Head, at Newfield. We were told that the girls school which was blue should really have been the boys, makes sense if you think about it blue for boys and red for girls, never knew why they changed it though. The girls used to start 10 mins before the boys at 8.50 and finish 10 mins earlier 3.50ish i think, so that the boys and girls wouldn't meet. It worked at night but not in the morning. The houses were rivelyn, loxley, porter and sheaf, Loxley was Red, sheaf yellow, I think rivelyn was green so porter may have been blue. We were taught in rows of desks - 2 to a desk and we were not allowed to talk at all. Prefects would stand at stgrategic points before registration and after breaktimes, to tell us to stop talking or running etc. and woe betide us if we were not wearing the correct uniform, the girls was bottle green skirt, blazer, raincoat, beret and tie with a white blouse. We had assembly everfy morning where we said prayers and sang hymns. If you need to know any more specific questions, p.m. me and I will do my best to answer.
My sister Rita Johnson was at Newfield about the same time as you. I wonder if you remember her and her friends Cathline and Ann Adams ?
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  • 1 month later...

I went to Newfield Girls from 1964 to 1968. My sister and myself came from Ireland to live in Sheffield. She was 11 and I was 13. I remember all the teachers previously mentioned and I think Miss Topliss got married and became Mrs. Tully during my time there. I was in the chorus in the production of the Mikado. I hated PE and was hopeless at it and made to feel very ashamed and shouted at because of this. However I loved maths and english and cooking and needlework. I went to that school with practically no life skills but left able to make my own wedding dress and curtains and anything else in between. I also learnt how to cook and I remember we made a Simnel cake at Easter which was delicious. I went on and completed a Masters degree. I loved my time there. I remember 2 girls in my class in 5 th year became pregnant and stayed on to complete their exams. Fair play to them and to the school as it was different times then. I am 61 now and still glad I had the opportunity to attend Newfield.

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I went to Newfield from 1962-1963, I remember that to get a dinner you had to use tickets. There was about 6 to a table and you gave a ticket, with your name on the back, to one on the table and he gave them to another boy near the dinner hatch, he in turn put them into a box. One day the box on one side was nearly empty. The whole school was called into the main hall. The names on the tickets that were in the box were read out and those were allowed to go. I was one of the lucky ones as the boy on our table was ok and made sure that our tickets went into the box. I can’t remember what happened to the boys who’s tickets weren’t in the box

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I went to Newfield 1965-67 then moved to shiregreen

Does anybody remember soap box derby from back yard down hill aka suicide corner by caretakers house if you missed corner you on to rugby pitch.

Whilst i was there we were getting a new trampoline which we had to raise money for

I organised a raffle to raise funds one prize was a brand new cricket ball which Mrs Abel

the dinner lady won she said draw it again

Chinny Wilson made the draw


We also had school band that played in assembly in mornings

And a school choir i was in till they found out about my voice

Also remember Percy Asquith RE teacher

Mr davies my form teacher who installed telephones in each classroom

The girls school as was finished a quater off an hour earlier than us rough boys so they could catch bus earlier

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