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Gods in the hippodrome!!

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Do you remember the GODS in the Hippodrome cinema.We used to go there often & sometimes we would chuck a few peanut shells down & watch them flitter across the screen on their way down, much to the dislike of the people below. Also sometimes a soft choc-ice would be dropped by some one. That was never us because they were to expensive to throw away.We thought it was funny but if the people on the receiving end could have got hold of us they would have killed us.See, there were idiots in those days as well,me included.

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I was another show-off who went in the Gods regularly [ sometimes 3 times a week ] from about 1951 for the next 2 or 3 years.


Some memories ! It cost 10 old pence to get in [ about 4 pence in today's money ]. In summer, they could open the roof and let in a bit of fresh air and let out the cigarette smoke. There used to be a ' bouncer ' there who we nick-named ' Splodge '. He was middle-aged, very fat and had a very hoarse voice -----perhaps all the smoke ? He didn't have such a grand thing as a uniform, just an old rain-mac over his normal clothes. He had no control whatsoever over the kids and teenagers who used to run riot, especially if the film had very little action.


I was about 10 years old in 1951 so, obviously, wasn't supposed to see ' A ' films without an adult. We would wait outside and ask some of the Teddy Boys to take us in, pretending to be our father [!] or older brother. No-one seemed really bothered any way.


I had my first cigarette in there aged about 10. I felt really proud one night when we asked a lad of about 20 in front for a light and he said , " Starting young, eh ? Tough guys ! " I also remember that luminous socks were all the rage for a time for young boys ! Also, for some forgotten reason we used to love wearing flashy ties-------with the luminous socks and short trousers ! Sheer elegance !

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I seem to remember it was up about six flights of stairs. There were no proper seats, just what I can only describe as lage size carpeted stairs to sit on. It was not a place for serous filmgoers

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You're quite correct , ElMambo ; the seats were actually long, wooden benches.


It wasn't only not a place for serious film-goers, it wasn't a place for serious people at all.


If the film wasn't full of action or simple enough to follow easily, the place would generally be in an uproar. For a 10 year old, it was very funny and a "peep" at 'adult' behaviour.[ Rather like being Toto in that film, 'Cinema Paradiso ' ].


Just as an aside, the Empire on Charles Street also had a ' Gods ' and, of course, about half way between the Hippodrome and the Empire was your namesake-------the good old Mambo !

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The gods, the Empire, the Hippodrome; buying a 'joystick' from the tobacconist opposite the El Mambo, Barney Goodmans, 'Sam and Lil', Nells Bar and the Barleycorn. The Forresters where I first heard the big E's record of Heartbreak Hotel - Wow! One memory brings back a dozen. Thanks.

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You're quite correct , ElMambo ; the seats were actually long, wooden benches.


It wasn't only not a place for serious film-goers, it wasn't a place for serious people at all.


If the film wasn't full of action or simple enough to follow easily, the place would generally be in an uproar. For a 10 year old, it was very funny and a "peep" at 'adult' behaviour.[ Rather like being Toto in that film, 'Cinema Paradiso ' ].


Just as an aside, the Empire on Charles Street also had a ' Gods ' and, of course, about half way between the Hippodrome and the Empire was your namesake-------the good old Mambo !


Alas my misspent youth is uncovered

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