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Bai Hoi: Bad experience


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I am writing as the manager of Bia Hoi, firstly to apologise for the behaviour of my door team, and also to offer some explanation as to why this may have happened.


Firstly, i do not condone any form of rudeness from any of my staff - either the door team or the bar staff - towards any persons on the premises. I appreciate the behaviour of door staff can at times be intimidating, and i welcome being alerted to this fact - as staff invariably behave differently when I am nearby. The doorman who i believe you are referring to no longer works at the premises due to other issues, so i hope that should you choose to return, the experience will not be repeated.


Secondly, in response to the issue of customers being asked to leave before the end of 20mins drinking up time, in a bar of capacity of 450 we are faced with a difficult job of trying to ensure that all customers are out of the premises at 11.20, as required by licensing law. As such, the door staff are encouraged to begin alerting customers as to the time at around 11.10 or 11.15, although they are instructed not to ask people to leave during this time. By doing this, hopefully customers will have finished their drinks by 11.20, when the door staff return to ask people to leave - as is required by law - thus avoiding the other potential customer service issue of customers having to discard drinks which they have paid for.


I hope this offers some explanation as to the principles of what the door staff were trying to achieve - although as i stated previously, I in no way condone rudeness towards customers, and apologise profusely if the behaviour of my staff was anything less than courteous.


I personnally appreciate any feedback about all aspects of the bar, and should you wish to contact me further regarding this or any other incident please do not hesitate to contact me - either by email to BiaHoi@v2net.co.uk or by phone - (0114) 279 9250.


Once again i offer my apologies




Andy West

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I used to go to Bia Hoi and found it quite pleasent and different - however I am starting to question the safeness of going out in Sheffield in general these days - rude and violent customers, young people, staff, bouncers, taxis and yes very pleased to take your money and charge you high prices - think I'll stay in in future with a nice bottle of wine and a video/telly/music/internet etc etc.

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I've been to this bar twice, once was fine because i was with a group of girls, the other occasion however was quite different as i was the only girl with about 7 lads, the bouncers were'nt happy to start with and i'm sure if they had any valid reason to stop us entering the bar they would have.

Anyway the lads I were with started drinking alcohol, shock!and as they drank they became louder (as do we all!!) they then got chucked out for being loud, I waited for a few moments because as all of this was happening one of the lads had gone to the bar, and was not involved in any way with the loudness, he came back with his full pint spoke to me and then also got chucked out. Quite violently I may add, this I found discracful and have not been since, i do NOT see why we should have to put up with certain bouncers who are on 'power trips'. In other bars the bouncers are fantastic and realise that in there job they have to put up with 'merry' people! Shame some of them give the others a bad name!

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Having been dragged there on Saturday I think the place is full of idiots (thats the punters not the staff) I suddenly have a lot more sympathy for the door staff there.


I think the problem is it just gets too packed and in those circumstances its very easy to get annoyed by little things, and obviously it is going to lead to people bumping into you constantly and very long waits at the bar which really doesn't help anything.

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Well the simple solution is to stay away from this place then - its not like we are stuck for choice of bars in Sheffield will some quite empty at times !


Maybe once their takings drop and they cannot afford to pay these prima donna bouncers with attitude then they will change their tune ...

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