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Longley park open air baths!!

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In the years just after the war , me and my mates virtually lived in the swimming pool during the summer months. It's true it always felt freezing when you first jumped in after that it felt OK.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I only came to Sheffield in 1992 so don't remember the open air baths....however one warm spring day about 1994 I fancied an open air swim but couldn't locate an open air pool in Sheffield (shame). Was told there was one in Matlock (Matlock Lido). So on my motorbike over to Matlock to find it hadn't been a lido for 20 something years. Nearest one they said was Alfreton....in for a penny.....so off I rode. The pool was there but no one in it, they found a member of staff so I could have a swim, the air was cool, the water was heated, I had the best swim I have ever had and it was well worth the 50 mile round trip.


Bring back an open air swimming pool to Sheffield. :bigsmile:


I believe that there is still an open air baths at Hathersage...


I miss Longley and Millhouses lidos... :(


I miss the bathers being crammed in like sardines on roasting hot summers days.


I miss roasting hot summer days to spend lounging on the side of a lido... (looks, sadly at the flooding around Sheffield this week.. :cry: flaming June? flaming washout more like!)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I remember going to Longley open air baths. We used to go after schoolin the summer it always seemed to be open till late. Water was always cold and I last went in about 1979. Bring it back.


i started going there in 1976 with my friend marie spears it was the highlight of our summer and it was always packed those were the good old days :cool:

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Anyone out there remember going here? I would have been going there between the years 1978 - 1985. I remember Geoff(Didn't know his surname), but he was a life gaurd there and he smoked those long brown cigarettes, More menthol i think they were called. We used to jump over the fences at night and go for midnight swims....can anyone remember this? My memory is terrible, so i can only remember a few of us, but there were loads of us that used to go there and either sitin the shed nr the bowling greens or go swimming. We used to have a right laugh!!!! Come on, share your memorys of Longley Open Air Baths...who do you remember?


used to use longley baths and park between 1974 and 87ish played football across from the ambulance station. jump the baths at night and torment the life out of poor old park keeper ernie rip. who did you hang around with (no pun intended) meandmymonkey.

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I used to spend loads of time there in the late 60's and the 70's.!

Wasn't it surrounded by a very high private.!..i remember going as kid with no money, and jumping over.!


Spent many a happy day there.! Shame there's nowt like it now.!.mind you..if there were to rebuilt it..How long would it be before the young generation of today smashed it up.?



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  • 2 weeks later...

My Aunty and Uncle ran the kiosks at Longley and Millhouses lido. Me and my sister used to spend the summer holidays "helping" them out, back in the 70s. I remember making plastic cups of tea and bovril for all the kids who were shivvering after being in the pool too long!

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