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Longley park open air baths!!

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Yeh,we used to go there.Like someone said earlier,talk about freezing?I used to dive in at one end,then daren't get straight back out cos everyone would laugh at you,so I would swim as fast as I could to the other end.I swear Ian Thorpe wouldn't have caucht me.Anyway,its making me shiver even now just thinking about it.:loopy:

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This is a photo of my Granddad (who worked at Longley park) in front of the baths. I'm not sure what year it was taken, either late sixties or seventies maybe.


Can anyone spot themselves?!




brilliant photo, I used to go all the time, would be about 1970 to 75 ish, loads of us, it seemed to be sunny all the time but the water was freezing, but it wasnt about the swimming it was a place to go and hang around with your mates, got sunburnt so badly one day could hardly walk home!

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  • 9 months later...

i went here all the time school holidays afer school...after hours park patrol caught us few times..had a nice one told us he be bk in an hour an let us go bk in until he came bk but we used to hide behind fur trees until he was gone lol..i miss the baths even if it was freezing...met my st love in the park he threw my shoes in the baths lol..were did the good old days go

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Ha!Longley baths them were the days ,went every day in the 6 wks,holls,if i could scroung a few coppers from my Mom ,never felt the cold ,but most kids in the 1940s and 50s,spent all the time outside winter and summer making our own entertainment ,mine was usually with bricks,for throwing ,sticks for bows,catterpults if we could get some elastic ,trollies,bird nesting ,both my arms were fnll of thorn scratches from top to bottom from pushing them through thorn bushes ,then at about 14yrs old it was the lindsay youth club and then it was different birds we were seeking ,but never fed up,most of us did,nt have much but thats what life was like just after the war .Bri

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Bri Boomer, you must be about my vintage & from the same area. I used to go to Lindsey youth club in 47-49. All the activities you mentioned I also did. Question, Longley pool, why was it always freezing regardless of the weather.?

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i spent most of the summer holidays at longley baths in the early 70s with my school friends.it was a cheap day out and our parents always knew where we were.you always had to watch for getting a mouth full of bees or wasps when you were in the pool.but it was fantastic.it would be fantastic if they could give us a pool back.hathersage does have one,and its heated.thats brilliant too,but its abit far out.if it didnt get abused,i think sheffield folk would benefit from one.but thats not likely to happen is it.incidentally,back then,i was known as jayne johnson.those were the days.boo to older age.

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