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Ladies weight training

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Hi Folks


Im just wondering if there are any ladies on here that do weight training and if they do where they go?


I want to do more for my athletics training but being a woman I feel too intimidated to use the free weights area at my local gym with all the geezers eyeing themselves up in the mirrors and generally acting as if they own the place :huh:


Does anyone else feel the same?




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I do, I think a lot of women feel the same way... I go to Fitness First in Millhouses which is quite good as it has two separate free weights sections, the smaller of which which doesn't get used as much. However the lack of mirrors/limited equipment means you have to use the main area for some exercises... I think you pretty much just have to bite the bullet, people generally aren't paying as much attention to you as you think! Also it's better to go early in the mornings when most of the men are there by themselves and not draped all over the equipment comparing sunbed tans...

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