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Butlins Holiday Camp ?

Guest poppins

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I went four years on the trot from 98 to 2003 and must say we loved it there.

It was exhausting with two young kids though as you did not feel you had rested.

The food was fab, good nightlife but the chalets were grotty so we stayed in a caravan for the last three visits.

We gave it a miss last year and cruised the Canary Islands.

Going to do the same this year and go abroad but I would love a long weekend at Butlins with the missus and without the kids.

No chance of that though.:sad:

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That's a bit of a contrast in holidays from Butlins to cruising the canary's!!!!

I know which one I would prefer, although I suppose they are similiar in the fact you are in a place with organised entertainment and babysitting etc, wirh the same bunch of people, but would be more glamorous, and the views much different.

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Originally posted by nsiebert


That's a bit of a contrast in holidays from Butlins to cruising the canary's!!!!

I know which one I would prefer, although I suppose they are similiar in the fact you are in a place with organised entertainment and babysitting etc, wirh the same bunch of people, but would be more glamorous, and the views much different.

Well yes I supose so but I had a great time at Butlins and will go back but for long weekends maybe.

The cruise ship was very different but we went a couple of weeks ago so the temprature was in the 70s so not to hot, apart from Madeira and Morocco were it reached about 80 deg.

I felt reluctant to take the kids abroad while they were very young because it gets to hot but now I will take the risk.

This year I have booked into Malta in May, Portugal in Augast and the Carribean in December.

Gonna see the Tour De France too, but without the kids.

2006, back to Butlins maybe.

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Originally posted by nsiebert

When I was a kid I used to look at the chalet maids (cleaners) and think what an awful job, I would have only wanted to have been a redcoat, that was the glamourous job.

All the teenagers spent there times looking for the opposite sex.


infact the chalet maids (chalet monsters) were better paid than the redcoats..i worked at the minehead camp in the early 80s,mind you, the redcoats thrived on the tips they recieved from the punters,they were always on the front line entertainment so they never had to buy their own drinks.


i used to work in the beachcomber bar (first season)..lenny henry did the midnight caberet and me and a girl from mancs were singled out to serve the punters with drinks who didnt want to bother going to the bar when the show was on,

we were maid to wear skimpy hawaian tops and grass skirts.we got tips from the blokes and dirty looks from their wives!

plus lenny henry singled us out every night with the spotlight as he didnt like ppl getting up and going to the bar when his act was on.

aunty witch x

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by brownieblade

When i worked at Butlins i made a lot more than the Redcoats and Lifeguards ever did, i worked as a waiter and on a good week i could more than double my weekly wage.


Some weeks i would have £250 spending money, it was excellent


250 pound ? what year was that ?

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I can remember going to Butlins when i was about 8-9yrs... for Christmas with my Parents & Sister... was really good... accept Mum couldnt wait for the morning to open our present...


As we got back from the site club quite late we decided to wait a few more minutes till after mid-night to open them :( it was brilliant at the time we were all so excited... that was before going to bed... when we woke Christmas morning we had nothing to look forward to other than Christmas diner an playing my sister's computer battleships... an my Nolans tape on my new cassette player (which we both got) it was quite boring... :?


Saying that tho we we're allowed over to the fair to have a bit of fun whilst Mum & Dad prepared a lovely diner...Dad gaves us a fiver between us... wey hey! while we were stood in the queue my sister spotted a fiver on the floor... we we're right chuffed a fiver each... how cool is that! We had a brilliant time...


All in all we had a great holiday... I would love to go again to Butlins for the laugh! :wink:

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We went to Butlins in Minehead and also Pwellheli back in the early 70s. I was a teenager and God I wanted to be a Redcoat when I grew up so badly. We went to Minehead in about 1975 and Mum won the Lovely Legs contest and my Grandma won the Gracious Lady contest. That was the year my brother, nicknamed Carty, and his friend, Wonderboy, started wearing flat caps. Within a few months everybody was wearing them. To this day I still believe they started the craze. That was the year I got drunk on Shandy!

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