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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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What YOU think is irrelevant. You aren't the law either.
Agreed, none of us here is "the law"


What's your point? Anything goes?


I'd be happy for a jury to decide on this one. I believe there's a case to answer. I suspect that the view will be that they've suffered enough and a prosecution "would not be in the public interest".

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As you say, Surely the Mccanns themselves must be thinking/have thought, if only we hadn't left our children in that apartment alone! and if their not, they should at some point. Thats just been honest with ones self surely.


What anyone thinks isn't irrelevant surly, as thats what Forums are for to air your opinions and let off a bit of steam/ stress about things.

A bit like politicians though, it may have adhered them to the public more if they had come out and said yes we made a terrible mistake rather than trying to justify the indefensible

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A bit like politicians though, it may have adhered them to the public more if they had come out and said yes we made a terrible mistake rather than trying to justify the indefensible


I agree, regardless of the hell they are now in and going through, which no parent should have to suffer. There is i feel no excuse or words that change the facts, and they are as so many have put, myself included above.

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What YOU think is irrelevant. You aren't the law either.

I thought this was a forum to discuss points of views if what you say is true and invalidusers point of view is irrelevant ,why bother having forums at all.he/she gave their point of view,you give yours quite a lot,I come down on invalidusers side on this one so therefore my contribution is also irrelevant,so whats relevant? maybe we should all just say,Oh well Madelline's missing presumed dead it doesnt matter that three y o baby was left on her own and then possibly abducted,murdered,accidentally killed or whatever its all irrelevant so we'll forget about whose to blame and carry on as if all this doesnt matter.The day people dont think that theres something wrong somewhere is the day when society will cease to exist and anarchy will rule.

Lets look at the bare facts as they stand now

1.Madelline was left unattended

2.Madelline some time later was found to be missing

3.No sightings of her have been proved real

4.Forensics have found some sort of evidence to suggest she is dead

5.Her parents have been named as official suspects in the case.

There are the 5 main facts as they stand take away fact 1 and facts 2,3,4, and 5 would have never existed.

I think thats a simple way of wrapping every thing that we know up into something understandable by everyone

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I agree, regardless of the hell they are now in and going through, which no parent should have to suffer. There is i feel no excuse or words that change the facts, and they are as so many have put, myself included above.

I agree with you too, I have lost pregnancies in the past and for many years beat myself up for things I did or didn't do but in the end you have to honest and say yes I may have contributed but that's not the whole story. Some people however can't be humble enough to admit mistakes, due to their status, therefore they suffer far worse because it never is resolved. Lets hope the McCans can eventually admit their part in the subsequate events.

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What I have not seen in any interviews with the parents is any sign of remorse or indeed of any sign of feelings at all,every female I have spoke to or indeed overheard talking about this all say they would have been devastated,tearful and climbing the walls if this had happened to them,and thats a mild way of putting it

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What I have not seen in any interviews with the parents is any sign of remorse or indeed of any sign of feelings at all,every female I have spoke to or indeed overheard talking about this all say they would have been devastated,tearful and climbing the walls if this had happened to them,and thats a mild way of putting it

Agreed, even my dad, not usually prone to emotional statements, said he would have gone mad if anyone suggested they'd had a hand in the death of his daughter. People are bound to feel there is something wrong when people don't show their emotions in such circumstances. Look at the parents of Rhys Jones, they came across as genuine because they weren't afraid to express how they felt.

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I don't see where I made anything personal or lost my cool. Neither did I claim to be the "memory" of this thread.


I'm concerned by the number of people who defend leaving three young children alone, I think it's wrong and worrying. Saying so is fair comment even if some people don't like it.


I'm certainly not defending the fact the McCann's left three very young children alone - I think they were very wrong to do it, and it's not something I would ever dream of doing myself.


Having said that, I'm sure that no-one knows they made a terrible mistake more than they do themselves, and I bet they have spent countless hours wishing they had acted differently. They are already suffering more than anyone should have to suffer - what point does it serve heaping more approbation on their shoulders?


They have to live with their terrible error of judgement for the rest of their lives - isn't that enough?



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I'm certainly not defending the fact the McCann's left three very young children alone - I think they were very wrong to do it, and it's not something I would ever dream of doing myself.


Having said that, I'm sure that no-one knows they made a terrible mistake more than they do themselves, and I bet they have spent countless hours wishing they had acted differently. They are already suffering more than anyone should have to suffer - what point does it serve heaping more approbation on their shoulders?


They have to live with their terrible error of judgement for the rest of their lives - isn't that enough?





I agree 100%. Hopefully as well some other parents who might have been thinking of doing the same might think twice now, and maybe a tiny bit of good can come out of this whole surreal affair.

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What I have not seen in any interviews with the parents is any sign of remorse or indeed of any sign of feelings at all,every female I have spoke to or indeed overheard talking about this all say they would have been devastated,tearful and climbing the walls if this had happened to them,and thats a mild way of putting it


I just said that to my husband after watching them on the news tonight. I'd be a gibbering wreck in a straitjacket by now, regardless of whether I had other children to look after. I'd certainly look a lot less healthy than they do.

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