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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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That's tricky as bodies often pop up from the seabed, but yes, it's plausible. I would imagine that anyone disposing of a body would know that it's not so straight forward though.


Starsparkle, we're having a gown up conversation here and as far as I can see it's quite legitimate to discuss these things. We don't have to show sympathy in every post. There's nothing tasteful about these events unfortunately.


Please don't stoop to trying to patronise me, Tony - there's no call for it, least of all on a thread like this. Show some dignity and respect for people's feelings



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I agree with Starsparkle - sorry if that makes me appear juvenille. I don't think going into total speculation and theory about such things as the disposal of a body is appropriate for this thread. By all means set up another one with an appropriate title and i'll happily contribute to it.


And I agree with Tony, take off your rose tinted spectacles and see the world for how it is.

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Starsparkle, please don't play the 'don't patronise me' card yet again, it doesn't wash. If you read it properly I said 'we're having a grown up conversation here'. I didn't imply that you were excluded from the grown-up conversation.


Let's move it on please. There's no more to be said.

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I agree with Starsparkle - sorry if that makes me appear juvenille. I don't think going into total speculation and theory about such things as the disposal of a body is appropriate for this thread. By all means set up another one with an appropriate title and i'll happily contribute to it.

I think you might have a point had you posted this months ago, however things have changed somewhat.

The Portuguese police are fairly certain that Madeleine is dead, otherwise they wouldn't have gone this far with the Mccanns.

So really everything that is being discussed in recent days is based on the premise that Madeleine is sadly not alive.

As for speculation and theory, well this whole thread has been about speculation and theory hasn't it?

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Starsparkle, please don't play the 'don't patronise me' card yet again, it doesn't wash. If you read it properly I said 'we're having a grown up conversation here'. I didn't imply that you were excluded from the grown-up conversation.


Let's move it on please. There's no more to be said.


Oh give it a rest, Tony.


Please don't drag this thread down into unpleasant one-upmanship that just makes the perpetrator look sad



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I think you might have a point had you posted this months ago, however things have changed somewhat.

The Portuguese police are fairly certain that Madeleine is dead, otherwise they wouldn't have gone this far with the Mccanns.

So really everything that is being discussed in recent days is based on the premise that Madeleine is sadly not alive.

As for speculation and theory, well this whole thread has been about speculation and theory hasn't it?


Absolutely right Kingmaker2. The investigation has moved on into a new and sadder phase and I don't think that even the most optimistic onlooker is expecting the girl to be found now.


According to various reports, more search warrants have been granted, more dogs are being brought in, the church is being searched, and roads are being dug up, Leicester Social Services are discussing whether to remove the other children into care, and the McCann's left the country and immediately consulted an extradition lawyer.


The reality may well strike home soon.

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I don't believe little Madeleine is alive, I haven't done once she'd been missing for 24hrs plus.


I've seen and experienced my share of the more 'unpleasant' side of life and as I said in an earlier post - a thread about such matters would see me contribute with a fair degree of knowledge on the subject.


I've followed this thread from day one, I have already made my position clear in an earlier post and will not be elaborating on that specifically.


If my opinion that a conversation about disposal of a body/bodies being in poor taste on this thread is not shared by others, fine - you go ahead. Nothing of any significance has been put forward to make me alter that opinion so far though.

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If Kate McCann has done it and then can go and have an audience with the Pope and show no contriteness then Im afraid there is nothing I would put past her especially if she is a Catholic,is she? I dont know but I would surmise so for wanting to leave Portugal to visit the Pope


Being a devout catholic would she not be forgiven after confession and three hail Mary's. :suspect:

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I was a bit confused about that. A report over the last few days said that they had been going to, and been given the keys to an Anglican church, which is now being searched and sampled. The press reports may have been a bit confusing.

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If Kate & Gerry were under COMPLETE scrutiny/observation by the Police & Press,how would they ever been able to dispose of the body ?



To me they are INNOCENT


I agree! D.N.A. in the car? Well, if a body had been buried for 25 days - more than one spec of blood would have been present! in the spot light of world wide media? No!

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