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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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But don't you see, it's all the same thing! It was never to do with "finding Madeliene" for the media, it was ALL about stirring up a human interest story that they felt there readers and viewers would take to, and therefore help their circulation or viewership. ALL of this is media driven from the first day.

If the national news hadn't reported it and went big with it, it would be just another tragic story about a family who's girl went missing and would have faded from puplic memory pretty fast.

The current, "did they or didn't" they debate is being fuelled by the media for the exact same reasons, the media's motives haven't changed.


Yes that makes sense. Well explained.

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Then you haven't seen what a press witch-hunt can do.



You'd be in the right, entirely, but that wouldn't help you when you went three weeks without sleep because of the mob chanting outside your front door.


I'm sure they're too busy camping our outside the McCanns to be worried about hounding an HR department - there's been very little attention on how they're taking the time off work - other than it is unpaid, and I haven't see any papers criticising that.

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I'm sure they're too busy camping our outside the McCanns
true,and as was said to me the other day,has anyone figured out how they got a body into a car boot while under the ever watchfull eye of the world media ? its becoming a farse just to sell papers and fill in the t v news
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I wonder why some people always seem to blame the media for ' sensationalism ',

' prurience ,' ' money-grubbing '.........etc .....No doubt some sections of the media sink about as low as you can get, but, obviously, this is a ' two-way ' process with the ' Great ' British Public. There is a load of evidence to show that millions zoom in on the lowest common denominator.


No-one forces people to buy X or Y newspaper or watch banal drivel like Big Brother on t.v.Yet millions do so and the media knows this. As soon as newspapers were allowed to publish sleaze, millions went for it, hook, line and sinker. In the '50's, for example, there were ' boring ', serious newspapers like the News Chronicle and the Daily Herald. People didn't have to stop reading ' serious ' stuff and buy trash like the Sun and its ilk-----but they did so. Look at the number of ' hits ' on S.F. about Big Brother ! Thousands of 'em !........and so it goes on.


I do not believe in over-bearing censorship, on any level ; if people want to churn out trash and drivel, they should be allowed to do so. However, if people didn't buy the stuff, it would die a well-deserved death.


In the McCann case, nothing much is new, except the individual ' cast '. The media will try to cash in on any way it can ; loads of people will go for the most sensational, simplistic presentation of the ' facts '........and so it rolls on, until the next sensation. If anything, the media are less to blame than the sleaze-seekers. The media have to earn a living in a cut-throat world-----the public don't HAVE to buy the gutter press.

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Couldn't agree more with Depoix.

Are the Portugese plods really suggesting that the McCanns accidently killed their daughter and then hid the body so well that days of exhaustive searches couldn't find it. Then went out to dinner with their friends and had a relaxing evening showing no signs whatever of what they'd just done until they "discovered" her missing at 10pm. Then they started a world wide hue and cry to make it look as if the child had been abducted.

Then 25 days later they hired a car and retrieved the body and hid it somewhere else, at the same time as being followed everywhere by the worlds press.

Why bother doing this when the first hiding place was so good?

Lindseyw in post 1395 makes the point that if the forensic tests are accurate and the hire car had indeed been used to move the body, and if the McCanns weren't involved, someone else must have been.

As Sherlock Holmes said, when you've eliminated the impossible, what's left, however unlikely, must be the truth.

Linseyw says she think's the Portugese police must have investigated this possibility.

I wouldn't be so sure. Have they checked on all hirer's of that car since the disappearence?

Or all the other hire cars in the area for that matter?

People who complain about our cops should go to Portugal to see how a really crummy investigation is done.

The Portugese Plods are under huge pressure to find a culprit and if they can hang it on the McCanns that'll do.

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Linseyw says she think's the Portugese police must have investigated this possibility.

I wouldn't be so sure. Have they checked on all hirer's of that car since the disappearence?

Or all the other hire cars in the area for that matter?


So because the media havent relayed to us that this has been done it cant have been, can it? :loopy:

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But don't you see, it's all the same thing! It was never to do with "finding Madeliene" for the media, it was ALL about stirring up a human interest story that they felt there readers and viewers would take to, and therefore help their circulation or viewership. ALL of this is media driven from the first day.


I remember when Sky News channel was being lauched people asking how they would fill up 24hrs of news. This is exactly how. :roll:

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Linseyw says she think's the Portugese police must have investigated this possibility.


No I didn't I said

So we believe that the experts have found DNA in the hire car right ?

Who's to say that little madeline wasn't indeed in the car, but at someone elses doing ?

Seriously, anyone could have put her in that car, it could have even been hired by someone else before the McCann's hired it - 5 weeks is a long time.


My point being that it seems they havent investigated it properly.

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