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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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Yes it is odd really, why is everyone so keen to know ? I personally find myself constantly looking at Sky News to find out the latest. I can't even say it's because I'm a Mum & I sympathise, I think people are just shocked at what's going on & how it's all come about.


I think the British public have been genuinely shocked by this case, particularly now that it seems to be getting more surreal by the day. It's a story that simply doesn't make sense - it hasn't made sense from the beginning, but now it's become totally bizarre, with each day seemingly bringing new twists.


It is exerting a horrible fascination, I think because people are just finding it almost impossible to conceive of and take in. Any of the possible scenarios are horrific - but I think people are especially frightened, almost, that the parents MIGHT have had something to do with it.


It's like the biggest taboo human beings have - to kill your own child. And if it turns out the McCanns did do that - and it is still a big IF - then I think the way they've been behaving and their actions over the last few months will be almost incomprehensible to most people. I think it will have turned our ideas of what is 'normal' human nature and behaviour on its head. I think there will be a degree of psychic damage done to the British public.


And God only knows how it's going to be dealt with if the worst is found to have happened. It just doesn't bare thinking about.


Perhaps also there is the fear that nothing in this world can protect you from the vagaries of fate - the McCanns would seem to have had it all. Beautiful children, great jobs, respect, loads of money, friends, etc etc - but almost in a blink of an eye it can all be taken.


Just some thoughts.



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I'm as sure as someone who only knows what he's read in the papers can be that the parents are completely innocent and only started the media campaign in a desperate attempt to find their daughter.

The trouble is that starting a campaign is one thing, stopping it is another. It's standard practise for the press to build people up and then knock them down. In this case where hard facts are few and far between the story has become the story.

The McCanns use some odd phrases themselves.

When he says "I am 100% certain my wife had nothing to do with it" that makes it sound as if he had some doubt. I would have said " My wife had nothing to do with it"

The impression coming from the papers now is that the police have stopped looking for her now as an abductee and are concentrating on nailing the parents.

The way the story's going now, if the childs body turns up close to the apartment the McCanns will have a problem.

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This thing with the hair is really worrying.

The forensics say that a hair from a corpse is significantly and obviously different to a hair from a living person.

The hair found in the hire car is an exact D.N.A. match for Maddy and it is definitely from a dead person.

The current 'favourite' scenario is that Maddies parents drugged her so that they could go out but that they, 'overdid', the dose.

Certainly if this were the reality it would ruin the parents.

In addition to a seriously heavy prosecution they would be struck off the medical register and NOWHERE on earth would be a friendly place for them even after their release from jail.


I'm doing my best to reserve any judgement - it's so hard to separate truth from journalistic fiction.

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The forensics say that a hair from a corpse is significantly and obviously different to a hair from a living person.

The hair found in the hire car is an exact D.N.A. match for Maddy and it is definitely from a dead person.


is that right?


case closed if it is...just 'interview' the mccanns till they crack, surely?

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is that right?


case closed if it is...just 'interview' the mccanns till they crack, surely?


Barring the unlikely, but possible, scenario that the hair got into the hire car before they hired it. I assume that's also been looked into; given the Portuguese laws banning any official police statements, it's hard to know exactly what is going on, unless you just believe what the media are saying - and I stopped doing that a long, long time ago.

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On one hand,i find it a bit far fetched the police version of events,but there is alot of evidence,some circumstantial agreed,but i wouldn't be at all suprised if her parents were involved in some way.Surely if this is the case,they wouldn't be able to set foot in britain again,their careers would be over etc...

People who know them will say "it's ludicrous","no way were they involved" etc..etc..but we don't know what goes on behind closed doors,do we?

I suppose it will all come out in the wash,won't it??

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This thing with the hair is really worrying.

The forensics say that a hair from a corpse is significantly and obviously different to a hair from a living person.

The hair found in the hire car is an exact D.N.A. match for Maddy and it is definitely from a dead person.


Where do they say this? I find this really hard to believe, as I understand hair to be dead cells already, so how can it change once the body it is attached to is dead?

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