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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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Well, yes. They'd just carry on milking the story for all it's worth, from every angle.


But I don't think they're in anyway enjoying the fact that a four year old girl is missing.


Don't think I inferred that the media where "enjoying" the fact that Madeleine was missing, merely that they,like other types of profession detach themselves from the subject in question and get on with their jobs that their bosses pay them for.

The media are quite happy to allow their readers and viewers to get "emotionally attatched" to the subjects they report on, because they know that is what "hooks" a lot of people. That doesn't necessarily mean that the media themselves are emotionally hooked, I'd put money on it that all editors of the major British newspapers have monitored the times when the Madeline story has been put on the front page and check circulation figures against non Madeleine stories, they also have probably done analsysis to see how the circulations are effected when photo's of Madeleine is put on the front page and when it is not.

It's all about raw profit and dollar signs at the end of the day, If the press can "appear" to be caring in the process then its a "double whammy" for them.:suspect:

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Don't think I inferred that the media where "enjoying" the fact that Madeleine was missing, merely that they,like other types of profession detach themselves from the subject in question and get on with their jobs that their bosses pay them for.

The media are quite happy to allow their readers and viewers to get "emotionally attatched" to the subjects they report on, because they know that is what "hooks" a lot of people. That doesn't necessarily mean that the media themselves are emotionally hooked, I'd put money on it that all editors of the major British newspapers have monitored the times when the Madeline story has been put on the front page and check circulation figures against non Madeleine stories, they also have probably done analsysis to see how the circulations are effected when photo's of Madeleine is put on the front page and when it is not.

It's all about raw profit and dollar signs at the end of the day, If the press can "appear" to be caring in the process then its a "double whammy" for them.:suspect:



Most human beings don't need encouragement to invest emotion in a story involving a missing child.


It happens all by itself. It's called caring.


I only buy the Guardian and they haven't reported on the Madeleine case that much. The rest of the papers are rubbish and change their theories on what has happened to Madeleine on a daily basis.

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Most human beings don't need encouragement to invest emotion in a story involving a missing child.


It happens all by itself. It's called caring.


Why is it then, that Madeleine seems to be cared for above all other children in the world that have gone missing, are abused or murdered?

The public that seem to be weeping over Madeleine don't seem to "care" or pay pay much less attention to all those thousands of children around the world that are suffereing.

Is it because they haven't heard of the other cases?

Well that's probably back to the lack of media coverage for those stories.:suspect:

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I find it increasingly bizarre that the McCanns behaviour is being scrutinised to such an absurd degree. I haven't even bothered to look at whichever photograph you're talking about, but really to carry on as if either killers or the bereaved are somehow exempt from smiling/grimacing/baring their teeth or that if they do it's a sign of guilt is utterly bonkers.

Kate McCann seems more stressed since getting home?

Crikey, who'd have thought it!


Omg! Rotherhammer made the comment, several different people have made comment and just per chance it's my post you jump on to have a dig! Maybe you should try being a bit more observent of peoples face, read all posts and stop assuming you've read something into other peoples posts that aren't really there. Had you read properly, you'd possibly see ihaven't said Kate McCann has no right to pull whatever face she likes. I said she didn't appear to me to be smiling, but looked strained (more now than in Portugal). This i felt abn obvious sign of the stress and sdness she probably feels from been away from the last place she was with her little girl (Madeleine) and that as possibly privvy to expensive make-up, Kate McCann is able to hide the darkness that shows the stress she is truly feeling,since the day this crime was commited. Is that explaining my comment enough, or maybe i missed something else that caused upset and annoyance.

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Why is it then, that Madeleine seems to be cared for above all other children in the world that have gone missing, are abused or murdered?

The public that seem to be weeping over Madeleine don't seem to "care" or pay pay much less attention to all those thousands of children around the world that are suffereing.

Is it because they haven't heard of the other cases?

Well that's probably back to the lack of media coverage for those stories.:suspect:


Yes it is because we don't hear about them.


But you are infering that the public ONLY care about Madeleine because the media have TOLD them to.

This is not so.


But you seem to be of the opinion that the general public are mere puppets and feel according to whatever the tabloids tell us to.

I believe that some gullible people may be manipulated that way but that the vast majority of us can make up our own mind.

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bagger, sadly I think it's the majority of people who believe what the papers say .. and the minority who make their own minds up and take what is written with a ROCK of salt ..


But the papers can't even make up their minds what has happened to Madeleine. They often have contradictory headlines on consecutive days.

So why would anyone with the slightest intelligence believe what is written in the tabloids, especially the Sun (which, scarily, is the biggest selling paper.)


(Or maybe that answers myown question):(

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I believe that some gullible people may be manipulated that way but that the vast majority of us can make up our own mind.



I've learnt from bitter experience that you are completely wrong. Most people really ARE that stupid and gullible.


.This from the Times today; a bizarre headline, but the column is pretty accurate about how public reactions can so rapidly do a complete about-turn.

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I've learnt from bitter experience that you are completely wrong. Most people really ARE that stupid and gullible.


.This from the Times today; a bizarre headline, but the column is pretty accurate about how public reactions can so rapidly do a complete about-turn.


Well whatever the papers may or may not be saying, people that I speak to up and down the country aren't accusing the McCanns of anything. (Apart from the leaving the kids alone thing, but that's been done to death).


Newpapers columns are just that one reporter's opinion. My opinion and experience is different.

In fact I don't know anyone who has changed their opinion of the McCanns.

They felt for their plight in the begining and they still feel for them now, and don't believe them to be guilty of Madeleine's disappearance or 'death'.


And as regards the petition thing, there are just as many signing petitions to have the McCanns left alone.

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