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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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An interesting and rather taboo-prodding article in The Times.


I think it makes some subtle but very important distinctions of the sort that no-one will ever admit to, but it puts into words some of what I feel uneasy about the way people (and it's not all about the media - they're feeding a demand) are reacting to this case. Although it's something nobody would ever admit to or acknowledge, there's a lot of satisfaction to be had in vicarious grief and the bittersweet stab of pity.



I don't agree with this article. Or rather, how the author feels doesn't reflect how I feel.


I cannot stand all the books written lately about abused children. Why anyone would want to read an autobiography of an abused child is beyond me. Not all of us are looking for an emotional charge of this kind.


Interestingly whenever anyone criticising the attention Madeleine has received compared to other cases, the other cases bear no resemblance to what has happened to Madeleine. Such as the one the author of this article quotes. A 4 year old American black child missing. Yes, missing from a raft! Just as tragic but hardly likely to have a positive outcome. Just like missing teenagers who have often (but not always, I know) left home after a row or because someone at home is hurting them. Someone leaving under their own steam and making plans to go (often taking clothes with them) is not as worrying as a four year old being out there somewhere with heaven knows who.


Madeleine's case has touched me more because I have a daughter the same age. It certainly isn't because I get an 'emotional charge' from stories like this. And I suspect my feelings are shared by many who are keeping an eye on the news for news of Madeleine.


The Times article was very interesting but I don't relate to it in any way.

And I actually find it extremely irritating that some feel able to decide how the general public does or doesn't feel about something when they can't possibly do anything other than spout their own opinion.

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Interestingly whenever anyone criticising the attention Madeleine has received compared to other cases, the other cases bear no resemblance to what has happened to Madeleine. Such as the one the author of this article quotes. A 4 year old American black child missing. Yes, missing from a raft! Just as tragic but hardly likely to have a positive outcome.


The missing black child does have a name by the way, Jewel Mahavia Strong.

Jewel's parents don't believe she was on the raft that capsized, but was in the kiddie pool. Apparently members of the public have sent in video clips to the family showing Jewel alive with 3 women.

Read more here:


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There's nothing to be debated though is there.

Once we've all established that they made a mistake then why can't people leave it alone???


Because people will still leave their kids alone, so evidently some think that they did not make a mistake, but were just unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time

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Firstly did you think it was ok to leave your child because you were left as a child??? :loopy:


Secondly why the hell did you leave your child in the first place???


Thirdly i wouldn't come on here and admit to leaving your child, whether proud or not because it isn't right what-so-ever!!


Let me be VERY careful how I choose my words here..... your personal attack here on me will not be tolerated.


My aim was to highlight that not all of us are PERFECT parents and if Madeleine had not been abducted you wouldn't have known about. The McCann's leaving their child would have been no concern to anyone but themselves.


I do not have to justify my actions to YOU or anyone else on this forum who may think my personal actions were wrong.....I KNOW THEY WERE WRONG IN THE SOCIETY WE HAVE TODAY.....however I do not need you finger pointing at me and making a personal attack. This is not the point of this thread.


Moderator advised.

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But its an important part of the debate. If we cant discuss the rights and wrongs of that then what is the thread open for? So we can all express our sorrow? I seriously doubt that the McCanns have an account on SF so its not like theyre going to be offended by anything that anyone says. I also dont think they'd give a damn considering what theyre going through.

The more it is discussed (and I dont mean in a needlessly nasty, vindictive way towards the McCanns) then the more likely it will be that (hopefully) no other parents will make the same mistake.


Actually, you'd be surprised at how many people in this situation get other folks to scan Forums, chatrooms, etc. for them. But a little reminder:


The previous thread on this topic was closed after tempers got a little heated.


I'm opening a new thread, and hope that we can avoid the finger pointing and blame allocation that took place before.


Also, please try and keep on topic and avoid the name calling.




The problem with stating the bleedin' obvious is that it gets tiresome after a while. I think that we've all got teh point about teh children being left alone, and little seems to be being added by going around that part of the discussion again.


And also, please lay off the name calling; this is the only warning I'm giving.

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The missing black child does have a name by the way, Jewel Mahavia Strong.

Jewel's parents don't believe she was on the raft that capsized, but was in the kiddie pool. Apparently members of the public have sent in video clips to the family showing Jewel alive with 3 women.

Read more here:



There was nothing meant in my leaving the child's name off so go easy on your bold type.


As your link shows there is more to this story than originally thought.

This case is equally as tragic as Madeleine's. I doubt Madeleine McCann is a name that trips off the lips of many Americans, just as Jewel Mahavia Strong is not a name familiar to us over here.

Doesn't mean one story is more important than the other though.

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An interesting and rather taboo-prodding article in The Times.


I think it makes some subtle but very important distinctions of the sort that no-one will ever admit to, but it puts into words some of what I feel uneasy about the way people (and it's not all about the media - they're feeding a demand) are reacting to this case. Although it's something nobody would ever admit to or acknowledge, there's a lot of satisfaction to be had in vicarious grief and the bittersweet stab of pity.


I must say I agree with this article and although my heart goes out to the family I think that alot of the coverage by the press (talking mainly Sky News)has been done to ensure enough news for a 24hr news channel.


I have had first hand experience of a childhood friend abducted, abused and murdered. The pain never goes away but the world keeps moving no matter what you do.

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There was nothing meant in my leaving the child's name off so go easy on your bold type.


As your link shows there is more to this story than originally thought.

This case is equally as tragic as Madeleine's. I doubt Madeleine McCann is a name that trips off the lips of many Americans, just as Jewel Mahavia Strong is not a name familiar to us over here.

Doesn't mean one story is more important than the other though.


Nothing was meant against you Bagger by highlighting the name but it does bring more attention to the Jewel Strong's case that otherwise might have gone unnoticed by some reading this particular thread.

It certainly doesn't mean that Jewel Strong's case is more important than Madeleine Mccann nor should It mean that Madeleine Mccan's case is more important than Jewel's.The Jewel Strong case wasn't big news in America but Madeliene Mccan has managed to make it on the American TV news and press, albeit not as big as in the UK or some parts of Europe, I've even seen Fox News (A popular US news channel) give some air time to the Madeleine story, but then again SkyNews is its sister station.One American interviewed by ITV news even went so far as to say that he thought he had never seen another missing child's case get so much worldwide coverage. That's the whole reason why a significant number, not only on this forum but throughout the country deeply question the enormous coverage given over to the Mccann story.

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I think that alot of the coverage by the press (talking mainly Sky News)has been done to ensure enough news for a 24hr news channel.


You could argue that on a slow news day, but there have been many days in the past month where there were bigger stories based on "events" as opposed to "non events" that didn't get much if any coverage at all, in comparison to the Madeleine story. On those particular days you had to read about those other stories on the internet or watch international news channels like CNN as they weren't covered by the UK news channels.

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