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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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And that's the basis of your objection, is it? That his donation should've remained anonymous??...

I wouldn't say that it's an objection, as such; I'm questioning his motivation for making the donation. The issue of whether such a fund should exist in the first place is a different matter.

...Does that really make one iota of difference?

No. Not a jot. ...

To what? To the public's perception of his reason for making the donation? Yes. An anonymous donation would make him seem like less of a publicity-hungry media whore. But then again, we wouldn't have known about an anonymous donation to make any judgement about it, negative or otherwise...

...Presumably if you'd also been in the fortunate position of being able to donate an equal amount, you'd have not told a soul, then....

Good on you, if so.

You have my undying admiration.

You really don't get it, do you?

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If Branson is therefore so generous with giving strangers money for legal fees, then what about other people that find themselves needing legal help? Will Branson now give generously to everybody in the land that needs legal help, especially those that may not be guilty of the crimes they are accused of? What marks out the Mccanns as a special case?:huh:




In how many other cases has RB donated money for people's legal fees? They are well enough off as it is, they'd hardly be scraping the barrel for some lowly duty solicitor or legal aid defence.

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Maybe we should lighten the mood on this thread and debate who'd play the McCanns in the inevitable Hollywood film?


I'd go for Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (standing on a box). I don't know if they've ever been in a film together but you never know - they might really hit it off!


Think maybe Liam Nielson, would be a good choice as gerry Mccann actually. They really should stop Philomena doing interviews, she even if unknowing makes a flamin fool of the whole McCann family, drowning on reating herself and not thinking through what she wants to say. I agree the brother is doing a far better job, he's the one who's a director to the fund as well isn't he?


Thought to be honest the Trevor Mcdonald programme was a bit of a waste of time, Apart from to bring the point that we all keep making that Madeline has still not been found. I hope the police in Portugal are still looking at other possible leads.

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So ....maybe the parents aren't involved ....

Anyone on here who will feel bad for suspecting them ?

(no I doubt it)


Let's wait and see !x:rolleyes:


I must say i've sadly wavered at different moments, but in a situation like the farce this terrible crime has been made into at times, would any set of parents have been questioned several times, when the case seemed to be leading nowhere. I have for each accusation tried to find a reasonable solution as to why, i'm still strongly in favour that the McCanns had no involvement, as the idea that they even could have is so sickening and very sad.

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I must say i've sadly wavered at different moments, but in a situation like the farce this terrible crime has been made into at times, would any set of parents have been questioned several times, when the case seemed to be leading nowhere. I have for each accusation tried to find a reasonable solution as to why, i'm still strongly in favour that the McCanns had no involvement, as the idea that they even could have is so sickening and very sad.


I'm with you on this ....

There are people posting stuff on this thread that have took tabloid story's and branded the parent's guilty !!! Bang !!! End of ....:suspect:


I still reserve Judgement ....Maybe we'll never get to find out what actually happened to Madeline McCann ......:(

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I'm with you on this ....

There are people posting stuff on this thread that have took tabloid story's and branded the parent's guilty !!! Bang !!! End of ....:suspect:


I still reserve Judgement ....Maybe we'll never get to find out what actually happened to Madeline McCann ......:(

No, there are people on this thread who've looked at the evidence that's been made available so far (and certainly not just by the tabloid press) and, like everyone else, have speculated about what it could mean.


Why should anyone feel guilty about suspecting the parents? Parents do awful things to their children every day. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this was another case of that, although if they are involved, I'd suggest it was more accidental than deliberate.

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No, there are people on this thread who've looked at the evidence that's been made available so far (and certainly not just by the tabloid press) and, like everyone else, have speculated about what it could mean.


Speculated ....exactly - Half of you think you know about DNA samples etc etc ...It's all gonna turn out to be tosh! can't you see that ....The parents would have been arrested by now ...surely

The portugese police are clutching at straws - cos they have NO evidence of a substantial nature ....People judge on the Press media coverage too much and that's why this investigation is a mess (because of the media Hype)



Why should anyone feel guilty about suspecting the parents?

Suspecting them on the grounds of what though (Media Hype!!!!) See above ^^^^^^

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Speculated ....exactly - Half of you think you know about DNA samples etc etc ...

Well, to be fair, some who've talked about DNA samples appear to know what they're talking about. Maybe they have a background in science?

...It's all gonna turn out to be tosh! can't you see that ....The parents would have been arrested by now ...surely ...

Aren't the police waiting upon the decision of the judge to whom the case file has been submitted before they can make any decision about whether or not to arrest the McCanns or anyone else?

...The portugese police are clutching at straws - cos they have NO evidence of a substantial nature ....

How do you know that?

...People judge on the Press media coverage too much and that's why this investigation is a mess (because of the media Hype)...

The only way anyone outside those directly involved in the investigation receive any information is via the media. Spokespeople for both the police and the McCanns have briefed the press. Reports and opinion pieces both supportive and otherwise have been written about the McCanns and about virtually every other aspect of the case.


Why has the media hype made the investigation 'a mess'? It's certainly turned the story (though not necessarily the investigation itself) into a media circus, I agree, especially with the press following the McCanns to Rome, the involvement of members of their family in talking to the press etc. In fact, you might say that the McCanns have so far used the media for their own benefit. Whether the investigation itself is a mess is independent of the media involvement, surely.

...Suspecting them on the grounds of what though (Media Hype!!!!) See above ^^^^^^

Suspecting them on the grounds of looking objectively at the evidence so far revealed. Most people are able to look at several different sources, and ignore the 'media hype'.


Where do you get the information that's made you presumably believe that the McCanns aren't involved in the child's disappearance? Is it from the newspapers and other media sources? Or do you simply believe that parents aren't able to hurt their children, albeit possibly accidentally?

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I just feel a lot of people are =against the McCanns and it is all just speculation - This thread has gone round and around in circles ...Fact and Knowledge is one thing - and Speculation is another .......People already pointing the stick ...when in reality - Who know's what has actually happened ....Only Poor little Madeline by the looks of it - and the person involved :(

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