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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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What charges do you think should have been brought and on what evidence ?


You will find in life that some people really do get away with murder, either through luck, a very clever lawyer or some other quirk of fate.

There's so many unanswered questions and so many things that just don't add up (too many to list to be honest). Everyone has there own opinion and it's not coincidence that a lot of people think that there's something not quite right about the McCanns.

Human intuition is a powerful thing.

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You will find in life that some people really do get away with murder, either through luck, a very clever lawyer or some other quirk of fate.

There's so many unanswered questions and so many things that just don't add up (too many to list to be honest). Everyone has there own opinion and it's not coincidence that a lot of people think that there's something not quite right about the McCanns.

Human intuition is a powerful thing.

My intuition tells me that if the McCanns were guilty of anything one of them would have blamed the other or confessed by now.

Also, if guilty of anything, I think they would have wanted everyone to forget about it instead of bringing out a book and putting the case and themselves under scrutiny again.

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I haven't taken any sides..stop talking nonsense. You're amazed at the DPP not taking any action..wouldn't they need evidence let alone jurisdiction?


I tend not to get to impressed by.....Ooooooooo she looks a bit dodgy as evidence.

I think you may find they have jurisdiction when it comes to british citizens overseas,they maybe couldnt have done anything about the abduction but there was still the fact that the McAnns admitted leaving two other minors without supervision,people tend to forget that fact

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My intuition tells me that if the McCanns were guilty of anything one of them would have blamed the other or confessed by now.

Also, if guilty of anything, I think they would have wanted everyone to forget about it instead of bringing out a book and putting the case and themselves under scrutiny again.


There's definately plausability to your argument as there is mine.

But until either Maddie is found or the whole truth comes out of who did what and when, then the suspicion and conspiracy theories will continue

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My intuition tells me that if the McCanns were guilty of anything one of them would have blamed the other or confessed by now.

Also, if guilty of anything, I think they would have wanted everyone to forget about it instead of bringing out a book and putting the case and themselves under scrutiny again.

But they dare not do that one blames the other they are then admitting knowledge after the fact..a serious criminal offence .so its in their joint interests to protect each other ,who knows if there was a crime they may both be equally guilty

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Neglect by their own admission


I don't necessarily think they should have been prosecuted because we don't know what happened and if they are innocent they're being punished enough.


But I DO think that there should be a hell of a lot more social services involvement. By their own admission social services came round for a quick chat and that was it. If they had been less wealthy and influential I think certainly they would have continued to be monitored and the parents psychologically assessed.

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I find it very hard to have any compassion for the McCanns.


What really sticks in my throat the most is their complete refusal to acknowledge any blame at all for their actions.


They state repeatedly that the abductor is to blame - yes of course he is. But in equal measure with the McCanns in my eyes.


To leave three tiny children of such a young age alone and then claim "We thought they'd be safe" is no different to throwing a 3 year old in the deep end of a swimming pool and saying "We thought she'd know how to swim".


It was nothing more than pure selfishness that has led them to where they are now and as others have rightly said, if they were a pair of young parents from a poorer background who'd left their kids in a caravan in Skegness to go to the local boozer they'd have had the book thrown at them by the authorities.


Sympathy for the McCanns? Sorry, no.


My total sympathy lies with that poor little mite, who I dread to think what she will have been subjected to before she was, in all likelihood, killed once she had served her purpose.

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To leave three tiny children of such a young age alone and then claim "We thought they'd be safe" is no different to throwing a 3 year old in the deep end of a swimming pool and saying "We thought she'd know how to swim".


An aside,


I thought that was fairly common (although obviously with supervision)? I have seen it recommended as a way of teaching a child how to swim because it comes naturally when they are babies and becomes more difficult as they grow older and begin to fear the water. I think the advice is to leave it a couple of weeks after childbirth before doing so.

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