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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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I think you may find they have jurisdiction when it comes to british citizens overseas,they maybe couldnt have done anything about the abduction but there was still the fact that the McAnns admitted leaving two other minors without supervision,people tend to forget that fact


Well no I haven't forgot that fact and I don't think the public have either..in fact quite the contrary. Most of the allegations/innuendo towards another crime are probably born of that fact alone.


For whatever reason they both made a serious mistake in their choices that evening..for obvious reasons in hindsight...that isn't arguable and certainly questionable. But, coming to terms with the loss of your child and reading at the same time that you were not only neglectful, but because of that neglect you are also responsible for the actions of a third party...which actually detracts from the perpetrator, or even being the perp yourself. The McCanns are guilty of neglect but apart from "brick" can anyone seriously throw the first stone as regards neglect in some form? I can't. I've been on holiday and rushed round the corner for milk or juice to return to find them safe. Mostly the reaction would be..it's ok they'll be fine..until that is, one goes missing then all of a sudden the 'it's ok'ers' distance themselves as though you were a leper and point the finger while denying all knowledge of their own neglect. When put into context then I'm as guilty as them for neglect, the only difference is the level, and a child going missing can be the result of both or non at all.


I can't base any of my opinions on the personalities of the McCanns because I don't know them. If people wish to pin them to the wall for neglect then fine but be prepared for a massive increase in prison construction, because we'll need it.

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But they dare not do that one blames the other they are then admitting knowledge after the fact..a serious criminal offence .so its in their joint interests to protect each other ,who knows if there was a crime they may both be equally guilty

I think that if both were involved in anything one would have started blaming the other to minimise their blame to their own conscience. This would have led to them stating this blame to the police to lower the stress on themself and minimise any involvement or blame.

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I find it very hard to have any compassion for the McCanns.


What really sticks in my throat the most is their complete refusal to acknowledge any blame at all for their actions.


They state repeatedly that the abductor is to blame - yes of course he is. But in equal measure with the McCanns in my eyes.


To leave three tiny children of such a young age alone and then claim "We thought they'd be safe" is no different to throwing a 3 year old in the deep end of a swimming pool and saying "We thought she'd know how to swim".


It was nothing more than pure selfishness that has led them to where they are now and as others have rightly said, if they were a pair of young parents from a poorer background who'd left their kids in a caravan in Skegness to go to the local boozer they'd have had the book thrown at them by the authorities.


Sympathy for the McCanns? Sorry, no.


My total sympathy lies with that poor little mite, who I dread to think what she will have been subjected to before she was, in all likelihood, killed once she had served her purpose.


As I see it, there are two issues.


Firstly, Madeleine has disappeared and we don't know why or how. Did someone enter the apartment and take her? Did she leave the apartment under her own steam, only to be abducted by an opportunist? Did she leave the apartment under her own steam, have an accident, and not be found? We just don't know. However, the parents have lost a daughter, two children have lost a big sister, and others have lost a grandchild, neice etc. These people, including Madeleine's mum and dad, have suffered, and I have sympathy for their loss.


Secondly, these same parents left their children alone. They were wrong to do so, and let down all three of their children. That would be wrong, even if no harm had come to anyone. Weasel words such as "we wish we had been there for her" or whatever they actually said are just that, weasel words. They were wrong. I am disturbed that they do not acknowledge this - although I suppose it must be hard to do so.


Regardless of what I feel about the way they let their children down, they have still lost a child. I feel sorry for their anguish

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Basic concepts such as innocent until proven guilty, appear to mean nothing to some people. I would hate to live in a society where people were convicted on the standard of evidence some people seem to think is sufficient. :rolleyes:


It would surely put pay to the excess in used tyres we have though.

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Secondly, these same parents left their children alone. They were wrong to do so, and let down all three of their children. That would be wrong, even if no harm had come to anyone. Weasel words such as "we wish we had been there for her" or whatever they actually said are just that, weasel words. They were wrong. I am disturbed that they do not acknowledge this - although I suppose it must be hard to do so.


Are these the weasel words you are thinking of?


"No-one will ever feel as guilty as we do over the fact that we weren't with Madeleine at the time when she was abducted," Mr McCann said.



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I don't know if this link's been posted before but after all these pages, who's going to look back?


So, you McCann supporters out there, have a read of the first 50 pages of Gerry's blog (the other pages are on this site too) and just wonder if these are the words you would have written if your precious little girl had just gone missing (and you had nothing to do with it and were going out of your minds with worry).





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Yeah, she got the tail end of conversation she wasn't party to but wanted to ensure she told the police IN CASE it meant something, and? Can you see something in it that I can't?



Yeah, the tail end of a conversation about Madeleine giving oral sex, whilst she was at the dinner table! Actually yes, I can see something in that and so could she as she felt she should report it to the police, which she did.

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I don't know if this link's been posted before but after all these pages, who's going to look back?


So, you McCann supporters out there, have a read of the first 50 pages of Gerry's blog (the other pages are on this site too) and just wonder if these are the words you would have written if your precious little girl had just gone missing (and you had nothing to do with it and were going out of your minds with worry).






And your specific problem with the words is? Could ypu perhaps indicate the parts that trouble you in particular.

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Yeah, the tail end of a conversation about Madeleine giving oral sex, whilst she was at the dinner table! Actually yes, I can see something in that and so could she as she felt she should report it to the police, which she did.


And was so very worried that she immediatly notified the police , social services etc and would not go on holiday with them again.


Oh no - she wasn't that worried after all.

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Yeah, the tail end of a conversation about Madeleine giving oral sex, whilst she was at the dinner table! Actually yes, I can see something in that and so could she as she felt she should report it to the police, which she did.

Someone's perception of what the young girl was doing was simulated oral sex.

Could just as easily been quite innocent and completely unrelated to that perception..

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