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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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The McCanns may as well have gone to the next town for their meal. Not only were they 50 yards away, out of earshot and sight of their children, they couldn't see the door or windows to their apartment as they were on the opposite side, so even if the children awoke and wandered out, they couldn't see them, and the entrance to their apartment is on the same side as the main road. I wholeheartedly agree with purdyamos, as the McCanns still fail to see that they did wrong by leaving their children unattended, 30 minute checks are a load of bunkum as anything could happen inbetween (as it did). I have no sympathy whatsoever for the McCanns, as health professionals, they should have known the risks of leaving infants unattended, if the children awoke and couldn't find their parents, panic, distress, choking, electrocution, and wandering off just to name a few. I only have heartfelt sympathy for the children, firstly for Madeline, I only hope that she is safe, alive and well wherever she is, and for the twins, for losing and missing their elder sister, and for having irresponsible parents, who seem to think that it is alright to neglect their children whilst they go off and enjoy themselves. Not a very good model for parenting skills, not in my book anyway.

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i don't have kids, but if i did, short of surgically attaching said child to my head.....how is it possible to never leave one unattended exactly?


i was watching some news feed earlier and couldn't understand why the parents of this kid felt they had to defend themselves at a time when they should be receiving love and support from people....not accusation.


they have handled it all very well and been dignified in the face of such ignorance.


incredible how totally self-righteous some people can be. i, personally, see no useful reason for this apart from perhaps attention-seeking.


A cool voice of reason and sanity, they made a misjudgement which they will be sorry for all their lives, the authorities can see that without launching an investigation, they may have already offered support to the family, as has their Church, and the Pope

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It has been clearly established by the McCanns and most other people that they did the wrong thing and yet various posters still contnue to go on and on and on about it. I have asked a few times what people think should be done to the McCanns by way of punishment as losing their daughter seems to be insufficient, no one has answered that question. Talk about kicking people when they are down. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


I take it you have all stopped wearing your yellow ribbons, praying, laying flowers, sending messages of support to Skynews blog etc now that the novelty of joining in the fun and showing off how you care has worn off. Now you can gang up on the poor parents instead and keep reminding them of their error as if they have forgotten or don't realise.

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I don't think any right minded person doesn't believe that the McCanns were wrong to leave their children unattended. Of course they were wrong, no right minded parent would put their children in that position.


But all those who wish to see them investigated, prosecuted even, what punishment do you think they should recieve that will teach them a better lesson than the fact that they have lost their daughter.


Perhaps the only punishment that could be used now would be to take their other children from them, and what purpose would that serve? I don't think its likely that those children will ever be left unattended, do you?

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Perhaps the only punishment that could be used now would be to take their other children from them, and what purpose would that serve? I don't think its likely that those children will ever be left unattended, do you?

Quite and the only purpose it would serve would be to punish the children. They have all been punished enough as it is.
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It has been clearly established by the McCanns and most other people that they did the wrong thing and yet various posters still contnue to go on and on and on about it. I have asked a few times what people think should be done to the McCanns by way of punishment as losing their daughter seems to be insufficient, no one has answered that question. Talk about kicking people when they are down. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


IMO they have suffered punishment enough, and will be punishing themselves for the remainder of their lives.


Once they're back in UK however the Social Services may well have other ideas. It is quite possible that their other children could be taken into care and either fostered or put up for permanent adoption and there will be nothing the MvCanns can do about. If this does happen there will be a blanket media black-out as there are very strict rules and hefty penalties for reporting such cases.

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Once they're back in UK however the Social Services may well have other ideas. It is quite possible that their other children could be taken into care and either fostered or put up for permanent adoption and there will be nothing the MvCanns can do about. If this does happen there will be a blanket media black-out as there are very strict rules and hefty penalties for reporting such cases.

That would be very bad but maybe it is one of the reasons why they are staying out there.
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IMO they have suffered punishment enough, and will be punishing themselves for the remainder of their lives.


Once they're back in UK however the Social Services may well have other ideas. It is quite possible that their other children could be taken into care and either fostered or put up for permanent adoption and there will be nothing the MvCanns can do about. If this does happen there will be a blanket media black-out as there are very strict rules and hefty penalties for reporting such cases.


I think its very unlikely. As I said before, I think there will be an investigation by social services when they return to Britain, but I think it will conclude that despite their past mistake that they have learnt there lesson and can parent there children effectively, thus no action taken.


Childen aren't taken from there parents as a punishment, they are taken because the parents cant look after them properly and there's no reason to believe that the McCanns wont look after there remaining children well in future.


I work with children and have seen children suffer dileberate neglect (as opposed to a serious lack of good judgement as in this case) remain with the parents if they are willing to work hard to learn lessons and demonstrate that they can improve their parenting skills

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I don't think their other children will be taken into care, its isn't in the best interests of the child.


I was amazed though by that last trip to Morocco .. there were children on the streets, carrying pictures on Madeline, waving and smiling as if they were celebrities. The children wouldn't know any better, but it just illustrates the media circus this has become. I wonder if this is why the have decided to suspend their media campaign .. they clearly looked uncomfortable by what was happening.

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The Investigation


Social Services "Mr and Mrs McCann did you leave your 3 young children unattended whilst you went out for a meal?"


McCanns "Yes we did"


Social Services "Do you realise that by doing so there is a risk that they could be abducted?"


McCanns "Yes we do now because one of them was"


Social Services "If you do it again we may have to consider taking action against you"


McCanns "Thankyou for the advice, we won't do it again"


Social Services "Next please."

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