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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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IMO, as from day one of madelines disappearance, there is something definitely wrong with the bigger picture. The McCanns have a nanny for the children here in the UK, but choose to leave her at home, instead of taking her with them on holiday to look after the children.


The McCanns refuse the babysitting service offered to them on the night they went out for a meal. They leave the villa unlocked, and go to eat in a place where they can't see the villa door or windows, and out of hearing range of their children.


When they discover that madeline is not in her bed, they invite all their friends into a small holiday villa to search for her, destroying any forensic evidence that may have been left. The window shutters were damaged, supposedly having been forced, again no forensic evidence.


One of their friends claims to have seen a man carrying what she thought was Madeline, in her pink pyjamas, wrapped in a blanket. Yet she can't give a description of the man, because she said she only saw him from the back, yet she claims to have seen Madeline wrapped in a blanket


The McCanns embark on their world tour, just to visit high profile people. And trying to convince everyone that they were actually searching for their daughter.


The McCanns visit to the vatican was a farce, Gerry McCann said it was an experience of a lifetime, saddened because Madeline was not there to enjoy the day with them. The twins were not there either, and surely it would have been something for them to look at photographs of them with the pope when they got older, but the McCanns were not saddened because the twins were not there.


Now why they chose to fly to other countries, by private jet,courtesy of a businessman, just to spend a few hours in that country and sightsee as opposed to any genuine efforts to search for their daughter, beats me. After all, Madeline was world news, and posters of her were everywhere, perhaps the McCanns were just checking to make sure that the poster and publicity campaign were working.


Gerry McCann flys back to the UK to interview a new publicity team, and is relieved of his wallet, allegedly by a pickpocket.


Mr McCann told the press, he had no idea where or how his wallet was stolen?


One family member told the press that the wallet was stolen whilst Mr McCann was getting money from a cash machine?


Mr McCanns brother told the press, that it was stolen as Mr McCann bent over to attend to his rucksak at a railway station?


Apart from proving that the McCanns are not very security conscious, it also goes to prove that once again there is no concrete evidence to yet another crime involving the McCanns.


I am a parent, and I have no sympathy whatsoever for the McCanns. They are both health professionals, consultant surgeon, and paediatrician, and should have known better than to neglect their children, by leaving them unattended in an unlocked villa.


It stinks of a set up to me, leave the nanny at home in the UK, decline babysitting service on the night of their meal, leave the villa door unlocked, sit out of sight of the villa door and windows, Madeline disappears, destroy all forensic evidence, send the portugese police on wild goose chases, get high profile, world wide news coverage, £2.5 million on offer, but no takers, wallet stolen, clashing stories, no evidence.


Is it really all just "Coincidence"?

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Pooch what are you trying to say that the parents spent a lovely day with her then killed her themselves and put her somewhere,or they arranged for her to be kidnapped or perhaps sold her.Which of these imaginary scenarios do you choose.

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Pooch what are you trying to say that the parents spent a lovely day with her then killed her themselves and put her somewhere,or they arranged for her to be kidnapped or perhaps sold her.Which of these imaginary scenarios do you choose.



I am not imagining any scenarios, you tell me what happened, was you there? I am just stating my opinion of the facts as stated which I am entitled to do. As for any of your imaginary scenario's, that would just be supposition.

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I think the parents did something, and are claiming kidnap to cover thier own back... dont ask me why.. but its the only explination I can see right now really...


and what angers me more, is all the coverage and support this couple are getting, what about the Needham case? they diddnt get this much coverage.., just boils down to one rule for one, one for the rest again


This angers me too!!


Although Ben Needham isn't the only child missing. There are lots of children of all ages missing right now, All been missing from some time THIS year...


Where's the help for these families??

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Excatly its just all supposition so why cant we all keep our suppositions to ourselves until we find out what really happened ,if we ever do.Why not just leave them alone for god sake.

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With all the press coverage of this particular story people are bound to make suppositions and think about it one way or another.


I did moan last friday when I saw a short film on Madeleine Mc Cann at the showroom just before the film.

I don't mind the fact that so much is being done to help find her, but I do have a problem with the fact that it doesn't seem to happen when other children disappear.

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I have watched this develop since she was found missing and the question I would ask myself is if I lost one child for whatever reason would I be separated even for just a few moments from the remaining children? Yet this couple seem happy to leave their two year old children behind whilst jetting around the world. Something strange going on here don't they think the twins will be missing their sister and their parents or are they just insensitive to their other children's wants and needs? Caring parents I don't think so.

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They certainly are behaving oddly, but then again in a situation like this it's impossible to guess how anyone would react; it seems to make sense that indeed they would try to stay very close to their other two children though.

Madeleine's mother always seems to be smiling on photographs, that's probably the oddest thing, but I put it down to the medication she must be on- I'm only guessing here, but surely when you go through such a horrific ordeal you can't function unless you're on strong medication?

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The impression I'm getting from some postings is that people are beginning to think that maybe this is some extreme form of attention seeking? Like a variation on Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy?


I hadn't ever considered it, but when you read Pooch 1's analysis it does come over very oddly. However, they've been interviewed by police from both Portugal and UK and I'm sure anything suspicious would have been noticed.


Worry, grief and being the focus of media attention affect everyone differently, you can't read anything into the fact that the mother smiles sometimes. In fact smiling/laughing can be an indicator of fear and stress in women.

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It looks suspicious because it has been analysed to death and so any and every scenario no matter how unlikely or ridiculous has been considered just to keep us interested. Realistically there are only 2 scenarios, she has been abducted or she has walked off. Had she walked off and met with an accident she would not have been difficult to find and so that is unlikely or there may have been something which is a combination of both.


The fact that you are not a parent does not make you more objective in this instance. If you were a parent you would realise just how unlikely your suggestion is. I cannot think of any instance where a mother has contemplated let alone carried out such a crime against their own child for money, it simply doesn't happen in Western society.


Please don't say that there is a first time for everything unless you have proof that it has happened.



I'm not saying there is, but what about the other case at the moment of the mother giving her daughter to a group of paedophiles?


Can you honestly tell me that throughout history there has NEVER been an instance where parents have used their child as a pawn in an extreme situation?

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