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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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She was spotted in north africa a continent occupied mainly by muslim fundamentalists that is my conspiracy theory


Well, can't argue with that. Flawless logic, there.


There is no proof she has been spotted ANYWHERE after her kidnapping - and you ignore the rumours of her being spotted in Belgium. Perhaps that doesn't fit your world view of evil Mullahs being behind this kidnapping?


Evil Belgians, Portugese, French, Brits, Spaniards - all more likely.

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Ant! it wasn't what was written ,it was directed as an insult some rock statement


Nah, it was a valid attack on your post. You should see some of the responses my posts get! Be a brave soldier. ;)

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I don't think the parents are guilty of harming Maddie but I do strongly feel they are most certainly guilty of neglect.


I think the McCanns made the biggest mistake in their campaign to find Maddie by not showing any remorse for their actions earlier in the investigation. This has undoubtedly resulted in a situation where many people can't relate to them as they would have if she had say been 'snatched' from the garden whilst playing etc


They initially said at the start of the investigation that they did what hundreds of parents do by leaving the children asleep in their rooms whilst dining out!! Well nobody I know would EVER, EVER, EVER do such a thing!!!


Even now they don't accept they did anything wrong?? The only remorse they have is that they were not there when she went missing - it still isn't admitting they were 'bang out of order' leaving the children 'home alone' in the first place!!


I really hope she is found safe and well for her sake but I think we all know that when a child this age goes missing it is usually more sinister than a 'desperate couple stealing a child for themselves to love and raise as their own' in these situation the child selected would be much, much younger...and let's face it their was TWO younger children in the same room which would have been easier to conceal and raise elsewhere.

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I don't think the parents are guilty of harming Maddie but I do strongly feel they are most certainly guilty of neglect.



I think that the term 'misadventure' could be best applied here. At the moment it appears, with teh evidence that has been made available to us, that the parents made a terrible mistake.


I think my main issue was the Islamic Fundamentalist angle - pointing the finger at Islamic Fundamentalists for whatever happened is groundless and unnecessarily provocative.

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I am sure like a lot of people on here we all want to see little maddie found safe and well but one thing that struck me this weekend as it's now over 100 days since her disappearence is that her parents left her on her own just for a short time in a foreign country, how many parents would take that risk and then pay this huge price of misery and worry over her disappearence.


My main point is that if she were alive surely someone would have said "I've Seen your little girl" with all the promotion of her face appearing in all sorts of locations like airports and on the internet.


I'm affraid that if she had been kidnapped for a ransome we would also have heard something, but the angry silence just tells me that this act was done to hurt the hearts and minds of our nation as well as the McCanns.


The people who are responsible for this outrageous act of cruelty

probably took this action due to the uk's government involvement in the middle east, or am i just a sinic?:(


I looked at this thread having ignored it most of the day, but having read this opening post I have to say no, you’re not a cynic, but you should cut back on the cheap sherry.

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I was under the impression that it was an offence (in the UK) to leave a child alone (at home) under the age of 15.

Having read the NSPCC advice tonight, I find I'm totally wrong - there is no actual age limit, just certain "understood" conditions.

Very surprising, seeing we have rules/regs about nearly everything else in our super-protective society.

One thing's struck me though - who's actually looking after their other children when you see the parents walking hand-in-hand to church, travelling to Rome, etc.?

Wouldn't you have thought that having "lost" one child, they'd be frantically nervous about leaving the other pair with anybody else, perhaps even relatives?

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Ive never made any secret of my contempt for the McCanns and their abilty to parent being eclipsed by their abilty to play the victim and make a load of cash from their daughters pain.

But the OP is either a troll (and not a very good one) or a [masked swearing removed]. Some of the stuff hes put is just plain insane.:loopy:

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I think that the term 'misadventure' could be best applied here. At the moment it appears, with teh evidence that has been made available to us, that the parents made a terrible mistake.


I think my main issue was the Islamic Fundamentalist angle - pointing the finger at Islamic Fundamentalists for whatever happened is groundless and unnecessarily provocative.


No Joe, its neglect plain and simple.

I agree with your point on the fundamentalist crap though.

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One thing's struck me though - who's actually looking after their other children when you see the parents walking hand-in-hand to church, travelling to Rome, etc.?

Wouldn't you have thought that having "lost" one child, they'd be frantically nervous about leaving the other pair with anybody else, perhaps even relatives?


Thats one of the things that makes my skin crawl the most about the McCanns.

That and the fact they left the kids alone in the first place.

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Translation of article in Sunday's Correio da Manha:


From the first hour on, the theory of Madeleine’s kidnapping only fits for those who react to these things in an emotional way.


The british press has started a new campaign about Madeleine’s case. Now, the front line is the attack against the portuguese press. And don’t say it’s the tabloids. All, including BBC, Sky News, are distorting and manipulating news with one objective: to save their faces. They bet the whole World that Madeleine was abducted. Now, there is no way back. Their issue is very simple: all news that point to an abduction are good. As long as the abductor is not english. All news that point to other solutions are bad. They’re speculation. They seek to attack the pitiful family.


The truth, which no image assessor , no journalist can hide, is that this family has received the best that Portugal can offer in times of distress. We cried with them, we prayed, we wanted to believe the whole image operation was about their distress in the search for their daughter. Even Justice was tolerant. If portuguese parents had abandoned three children to their fate in order to have a good time with their friends, and one of the children disappeared, the press, the police, the social services would be all over them. With the McCanns, we closed our eyes to their negligence. They’re english and so on, they like to get drunk in the Algarve and so on, and of course! they’re culturally different from us. They, the owners of progress, who give their children complete freedom, we, the peasants, who don’t take our eyes off our children. But there is another truth. From the first hour on, the theory of a kidnapping only fits those who react to these things in an emotional way. The portuguese and english police who are investigating this case could not commit that mistake. Mysteries, to be solved, need the exercise of reason and not of tears. And reason, sometimes, pushes us into places of horror. The McCanns’ interviews say what the affectuous masses want to hear. They are carefully prepared by assessors, they integrate the british campaign against other possibilities to solve the mystery, they induce their listeners to believe there is no truth except the abduction. A truth they cannot explain themselves.


There is still another truth. Only those who ignore what a criminal investigation is about, can talk about new investigation lines. Because they’re all the same age. It’s just that some possibilities show they were not sustainable, and others had legs to walk. The arrival of dogs that are specialized in blood and cadaver odours is no speculation. It’s an evidence. They underline the suspicion that the child may have been killed inside that house. Was it the kidnapper? What for? Did he want to abduct a corpse? So who was it? The answer scares british press, and hence the xenophobe attacks against the portuguese journalists and police. It had to be someone who visited the house and knew it. Someone who knew it well enough to know where the cleaning products were kept, in order to clean blood stains. And, if this police research is confirmed, one cannot even talk about accidental death. Anyone who, alone or accompanied, hides clues, is trying to conceal a crime. There is no simpler deduction exercise available. The instrument of detetctives. Other paths are in faith’s territory. The priests celebrate masses, detectives discover crimes.

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