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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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I have worked for several doctors as a Nanny and all have left their children, in Antiga, Greece and Spain , like the MaCanns have done although i would never leave my children alone like that , they are obviously sorry that they did it, they don't need to make a song and dance about it but they are trying their best to find out what hapened and have already raised awarenes of 100's of children each year who have been abducted, i believe there have been several children found as a result of this campaign!! but thats not being publisized is it?

I don't know how i would feel if that had been me but equally it could have happend when they were all sleeping , i think a girl was taken from a window in a caravan years ago no one saw or heard.

The reason the twins may not have been taken was probably if they woke they would make too much noise!!! children that age have good lungs on them. Maddie was probably drugged somehow, If the room had been searched propery in forst place there could have been traces of the drug left!!!

I feel very sad for this family as i said it doesn't make it right that they were left alone but at least they were checked on !!!!! Many British Don't stay within 50 yards of the kids when they leave them and thats far worse!!! some are drunk when they return and kids are left to supervise them selves


Maybe there were traces of a drug if that is what was used. We won't know as we're not privvy to any of the facts in this case.


We see parents on a daily basis not keeping an eye on their kids.

It was be very easy for anyone to walk off with a toddler.


I was in New Look last week and noticed an unattended double buggy by the door. The mother's handbag was open on top of the buggy, that's what caught my eye. I looked in the buggy and there was a newborn baby and a smaller child aged about 18 months. I stood watching for a while and asked a woman nearby if she knew whose buggy it was and she didn't, she'd also been watching and wondering. As we were stood next to the buggy discussing it this woman came over, English not her first language, saying 'my babies, my babies'. I pointed out that she should keep a closer eye on 'her babies' as anyone could have taken them!:loopy:

I went upstairs in the shop and then when I came down 10 minutes later there was the buggy again by the door, unattended and she was at the till with her back to the door.:loopy:


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Maddie was probably drugged somehow


Some of the off-stage speculation is focusing on this, though along slightly different lines from what you are suggesting.


Was there a reason why the group of parents would have been fairly confident that the children would not have awoken whilst they were at the tapas bar? Were they perhaps able to draw upon their professional background to give the children a little something to help them sleep?


Madeleine's colobama eye condition is sometimes a symptom of CHARGE syndrome, another symptom of which can be choanal atresia: blockage of the nasal passage which can restrict breathing through the nose.


Did Madeleine vomit or otherwise come to have restricted breathing during the course of the evening?



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I have several friends who work in the media , they all tell me that you hear one side of the news and one side only sometimes the beeb or which ever paper heavily edit articals so you can be sure some thing is well hidden from view


You don't need friends in the media to know that everything you read in the papers must be taken with a healthy spoonful of scepticism and is just the angle editor has chosen.


However it doesn't follow that something is being hidden in this case.

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I doubt it - some tricky words.


North Africa is also populated by camels - perhaps she was kidnapped by rogue fundamentalist dromedaries, or a gang or meerkats. Either theory is about as likely as the ridiculous idea that it could be Islamic fundamentalists.


Camels? That's absurd. It was the sand-monster (jihad section) what dunnit.

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Madeleine's colobama eye condition is sometimes a symptom of CHARGE syndrome, another symptom of which can be choanal atresia: blockage of the nasal passage which can restrict breathing through the nose.


Did Madeleine vomit or otherwise come to have restricted breathing during the course of the evening?




I think if that was the case and the McCanns did not want it to be discovered that the child had been left alone at the time of her death they could have just reported it next morning. I am sure most people would have found it perfectly plausible that she could have died in her sleep whilst the rest of the family slept elsewhere in the room.


I really don't believe the parents know anything or are involved in anyway.


They are just incredibly selfish (wanted a night out without the kids in tow) and stupid for leaving them alone!!

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I think if that was the case and the McCanns did not want it to be discovered that the child had been left alone at the time of her death they could have just reported it next morning. I am sure most people would have found it perfectly plausible that she could have died in her sleep whilst the rest of the family slept elsewhere in the room.


You may be right, Shiesh. On the other hand, in the hypothetical situation, there would be the small matter of an autopsy, which might reveal things inconsistent with the story.

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I think we can now state one of two facts


1.she is an has been dead for some time,probably since the day she went missing



2. she was abducted, may be to order,and after this length of time will never be seen again like Ben Needham

either way if it had happened in this country her parents would be in serious trouble and I believe rightly so

Now I am keeping my thoughts to myself but I believe there is more to this than there seems to be and if my prognosis,ie the two statements iv made is correct,which the authorities seem to believe it is now time to go to the next step and investigate the parents whether it be the Portugese that do it or preferably the British.Like it or not some blame has to be placed on the parents but to whar degree,that is what needs to be sorted.

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I think we can now state one of two facts


1.she is an has been dead for some time,probably since the day she went missing



2. she was abducted, may be to order,and after this length of time will never be seen again like Ben Needham

either way if it had happened in this country her parents would be in serious trouble and I believe rightly so

Now I am keeping my thoughts to myself but I believe there is more to this than there seems to be and if my prognosis,ie the two statements iv made is correct,which the authorities seem to believe it is now time to go to the next step and investigate the parents whether it be the Portugese that do it or preferably the British.Like it or not some blame has to be placed on the parents but to whar degree,that is what needs to be sorted.



So it's a FACT that she is dead is it? Sound more like your opinion to me.

Abducted to order? Another one of your FACTS?


I suggest you hotfoot it over to Portugal and inform the PJ that you know what's going on.:rolleyes:

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So it's a FACT that she is dead is it? Sound more like your opinion to me.

Abducted to order? Another one of your FACTS?


I suggest you hotfoot it over to Portugal and inform the PJ that you know what's going on.:rolleyes:

I dont live in cloud cuckoo land the girl is either dead or abducted..facts whats wrong with that they are facts you choose which one you believe but you cant get round it, they are facts not my or anybodi elses opinion...durrrr

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