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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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It's obviously his opinion that she is dead. Surely he's entitled to that opinion? You may not agree with his feelings on the matter, but I would strenuously defend anybody's right to voice their own opinion.:P



Of course he's entitled to his opinion. Where did I say he wasn't?


It's my opinion that as he doesn't KNOW that Madeleine is dead so why state it as if she is?

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Thank you Vulcan, of course it is just my opinion, and no I don't work for the Express, God forbid, or Sky News thankfully, I work as a piano player in a brothel, it is much more worthy profession, than either of the two afore mentioned "news teams":hihi:

I do actually feel very, very sorry for poor little Madeleine, but I have limited if no sympathy for the parents, who went on the razz and left three babies on their own in an unlocked apartment. That is totally un-excusable, and when Gerry bleats on about they "were naive at the most" i want to kick the t.v. in. This case has had high profile coverage, and no critisism of the McCanns has been allowed, the question is WHY? If this was a couple of chavs from Norfolk Park, do you honestly expect the same kind of media coverage?... and yes, I still think that Madeleine is dead, that is of course just my opinion.




Mrs. M was reported to have said when she discovered her child had disappeared..."they've taken her":suspect:.

Most people would have said "Maddy's gone" or "Maddy's not there" or something similar.

but perhaps the papers made this up!

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First of all, let me say that I am deeply touched by Maddie's parents suffering, and that a missing child is allways something that one must treat with deep respect.


I am absolutely shocked by the way british newspapers are treating this case. The message they obviously want to pass is of a retarded country, with a retarded police force, such as the alledged problems the portuguese police is facing right now.

I don't know how police work is done in Britain, but let me say one thing: The portuguese police (PJ) is considered one of the best in the world, and their inspectors are often regarded as extremely good professionals.

These facts are surely making the british press to get sour and avengeful.

It seems that in Britain, the press does not want the portuguese police to find out what happened to little Maddie.

Everytime the investigation reaches a point where some light is shed over the mysterious disappearence, there comes the british press with their obnoxious "information" process.

What they do - the british press - is clearly try to mislead the readers, and what they want is not the truth, but a "truth" that may suit their obscure purposes.


On the other end it is current news the fact that there are serious doubts about the testemonies of the people involved with Maddie - Her parents, their friends and neighbours at the time the child disappeared.

It's obvious that someone's is not telling the truth, and that's what the portuguese police is trying to clear.

One aspect of it is the fact that, according to Maddie's parents, they were checking the kids every 10 minutes - at their first statement - later changed to 20 minutes at a later statement and now, finaly, the fact is that apparently nobody checked the kids!!!

Another thing is that a dog sniffed a corpse's odor inside a car that the McCanns rented. The only problem is that the McCanns rented the car AFTER Maddie's disappearence!


All these and other facts makes me think that there are too many people interested in not finding out what happened to Maddie...



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It seems that in Britain, the press does not want the portuguese police to find out what happened to little Maddie.

Everytime the investigation reaches a point where some light is shed over the mysterious disappearence, there comes the british press with their obnoxious "information" process.

What they do - the british press - is clearly try to mislead the readers, and what they want is not the truth, but a "truth" that may suit their obscure purposes.


There are a number of people who have been following the case closely here who share that view, papatorres. Having said that, there has been a shift in the openness and tone of reporting by some of the British press in the last week or so.


The McCann family got a sophisticated publicity campaign up and running within quite a short time of Madeleine going missing. Reporting by the British press has - until very recently - been very favourable to the McCanns. There has been little investigative journalism in relation to their backgrounds - or at any rate it hasn't been published. Some people have even speculated that a sort of Freemasonry network may have been at work.


There have been some mixed messages coming out of the Portugese police in the last week or two. Maybe this has been deliberate: to try to elicit a reaction from people they may have under suspicion. Part of it may be a sort of good cop/bad cop technique, ie one day saying arrests are imminent, the next day saying that the investigation still has a long way to go. Anyway, we'll 'watch this space', as they say.

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There are a number of people who have been following the case closely here who share that view, papatorres. Having said that, there has been a shift in the openness and tone of reporting by some of the British press in the last week or so.


The McCann family got a sophisticated publicity campaign up and running within quite a short time of Madeleine going missing. Reporting by the British press has - until very recently - been very favourable to the McCanns. There has been little investigative journalism in relation to their backgrounds - or at any rate it hasn't been published. Some people have even speculated that a sort of Freemasonry network may have been at work.


There have been some mixed messages coming out of the Portugese police in the last week or two. Maybe this has been deliberate: to try to elicit a reaction from people they may have under suspicion. Part of it may be a sort of good cop/bad cop technique, ie one day saying arrests are imminent, the next day saying that the investigation still has a long way to go. Anyway, we'll 'watch this space', as they say.


Speculation,Speculation, Speculation.:huh:

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These Mcanns are now going even further OTT.

They are threatening to sue reporters who are suggesting that they are not as pure as the driven snow (to mix metaphors).

The lady doth protest too much, Methinks? :(


So does that mean you think they killed their daughter themselves or know who did?


Or that they're getting peed off with the press printing rubbish?

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These Mcanns are now going even further OTT.

They are threatening to sue reporters who are suggesting that they are not as pure as the driven snow (to mix metaphors).

The lady doth protest too much, Methinks? :(


Good on them that is exactly what i would do,And if if helps keep madeleine in the spotlight all the better.

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do you all not get bored of repeating yourselves on this thread!! EVRYTIME i look its the same people saying the same things??




get a life!!


that poor family and all you gossips just tlaking rubbish as really you have no idea whats gone off besides what you have read on the grape vine or on here. yawn :help:



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