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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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[MOD NOTE]Can we take this opportunity to remind you all about the sub-judice rules in his country. Please do not say anything which could compromise any potential court case - thank you

Its opinions by people not connected to the case Sub judice applies to potential witnesses mainly,I doubt very much that anyone on here is going to called as a witness,do you?Plus it holds no legal meaning in Portugal so the "case",if any ,is not bound by this law

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I got banned ages ago for saying that.


I'm getting a bit fed up with this because you keep banging on about this and it's simply not true. I'll set the record straight. You've been banned 4 times for the following reasons:


  • Posting with intention to 'bait' or wind up a user
  • Tricking swear filter or using CAPS excessively
  • Moderator abuse
  • abuse / cooling off time!

None of the above related to this thread or topic.


Please, let's all move on whilst taking notice of evildrneil's reminder about sub-judicy. Thanks.

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Its opinions by people not connected to the case Sub judice applies to potential witnesses mainly,I doubt very much that anyone on here is going to called as a witness,do you?Plus it holds no legal meaning in Portugal so the "case",if any ,is not bound by this law


We play safe.


You are not the one who would have to foot the bill if naything went legally pear-shaped. The site owner might be, so we play very safe.


It's not up for argument - it's just the way we do things.

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BBC news is stating that Kate McCann will be declared as a formal suspect later today


Yes, the investigation is coming full circle and to me, what is happening regarding Madaleine's mother (and I suspect in due course, her father) comes as absolutely no surprise.


Like the hotelier behind the 'happenings' in some Scooby Doo cartoon, some of us reckon we know who dunnit all along.


I hasten to add, that these are merely my gut reactions speaking. Also, how I hope I have got it all wrong....,

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