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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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I understand from the news that the interview was labourious.


The police asked a question, it was translated. Everything Kate replied was translated and then written down long hand in Portuguese, then translated into long hand English, then she had to approve the translation, ensuring the emphasis was right, etc.


So I guess it took ages and ages.


In addition, the McCanns had said they were going back to the UK this weekend and the lab tests are claimed to have come back too. Earlier in the week the news reported they would be interviewed again before they left Portugal.


Last night the news said that the police want to ask Kate 22 questions they felt they couldn't unless she was deemed a suspect, and therefore had the rights of the suspect.


But it's like anything else, we only get to know what the press want us to know, at anyone time - and with that, coupled with the country's secrecy laws, speculation is bound to be rife.

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It will be very interesting to see what these forensic tests have indicated - it must be something significant for the extensive re-interviewing of the parents. I read somewhere that the blood spots found on the floor may also have been found in the car the family have been using and in a cupboard used by Kate McCann since Maddie disappeared.

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Not so long back the UK papers were accusing anyone who suggested the McCanns may be suspects of "sick slurs". I wonder if they'll be printing a retraction and apology for getting it wrong?


We don't know the UK papers haven't got it wrong, the Mcanns are probbaly innocent, other than leaving their children alone.


I know children are murdered by their parents every week. If this is the case here, then the 'cover up' has indeed been very ruthless and efficient. If carried out by the parents then they are very cold hearted and unemotional people, but they don't seem to fit the profile.


Most parents who kill seem to be either inadequate or do so in anger. Could you keep this level of deceit going under these circumstance?


The police may see them as suspects now because there are no real leads. But, they may be questioning them separately to re-check their stories and those of their friends timelines.


The disappearance of this child is strange and doesn't quite add up, and so does the fact they haven't found evidence, sightings or a body. But it could just be that some paedophile got horribly lucky.

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I hope to God you never do Jury Duty!


Why? I’m not rushing into a decision based on no facts what so ever. There may be more to this, there may be less we simply don’t know until the facts are laid out in front of us.


There could be other reasons other than the two camps we seem to have here, being "Innocent" while the others seem to think the parents are the culprits.

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