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Madeleine McCann allegedly abducted in Portugal (2) The press apologise.

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BBC News this morning have wheeled out some whisky-soaked "Knacker of the Yard" character making the usual outrageous, Clouseau-type insults about the Portugese police.


He seems to think "they" are just intent to find anybody to reach closure on this incident.


Barry George, anyone?

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my post was actually quoted on sky news so whats the problem?[/qUOTE]


I don't particularly care whether it's been written in letters twelve feet high on the Tinsley Towers.


We've asked numerous times for people just to lay off the accusations. Sky and other large media groups have expensive lawyers to allow them to make such comments. We don't.


So basically, just follow the requests of the Moderators. I've issued three short bans in the last 24 hours to people who just wouldn't listen. If I end up doing the same today the bans will be longer.

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I think its absolutely tragic that a child is wrapped up in this. My kids are the most precious things in my life; I'm not being melodramatic to say that I would lay down my life for them.


I really do hope that Madeleine is found safe; however I do struggle having sympathy for the parents when they go out and leave three young children on their own in an apartment.


And for those on this forum that have said and say "we've all done it" No we haven't. I've always taken my children out with me. My experience of Portugal is that children are especially welcome in restaurants.


I do wonder whether the press coverage would have been different if the McCanns had been a couple from a council estate on holiday in Magaluf.

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Those who donated to the fund should be feeling quite cheated now. Perhaps a refund is in order?


Like we keep saying - no one has yet been charged.


Look at the Murat fellow - he's been in this legal state for months, and still no charge.


Rather than being emotive about these things, it might be useful to look up what someone said about the 'arguido' condition in an earlier post.

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i think this thread should be closed tbh as nobody actually knows anything (mainly due to the portugese polices privacy policy) and everything is only speculation and people going round in circles, which leads to ban after ban?


Problem is Mel, we do that and we get a brand new bunch of people yelling about censorship.


It isn't rocket science for people to behave; we used to close threads when people ignored us, but we try and do that less now because we end up in a situation where the majority suffer because of the behaviour of a few.


Anyway - back on the topic.

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Those who donated to the fund should be feeling quite cheated now. Perhaps a refund is in order?



I, for one, am deeply saddened to read comments such as this.


It's a small fact that we cannot get away from hearing about this case nearly every day; clutching at the titbits that the media dangle in front of us.

To be very honest I'm finding this quite distressing now and this was highlighted to me when I was woken by my husband at 7am this morning as I was sobbing uncontrollably in my sleep. (I had been dreaming that my children were being removed from me by French authorities?!)

I put this down to an unconscious anxiety that is being given to me due to the fragmented media reports. This isn't healthy, or right.


I loathe what is happening. We cannot possibly know what went on or what is going on and certainly not from the media. I feel desperately sorry for these parents and I don't care if I'm right or wrong in doing so. What bothers me though is that I am subjected to having these feelings and that may sound callous but I'm trying to be very honest.

I have my prayers for Madeline, the family, and their other children but I really wish I hadn't known as this is not my grief to feel. (there, I've said it)

I can understand why the family chose the media for thier plight but as always it turns around to bite you on the ....


I think, now, we are being made into voyeurs and it doesn't feel nice, in fact it feels very uncomfortable to me.

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I'm not all that suprised at the latest developments in this case...call me cynical, but there was a nagging suspicion at the back of my mind in all of this from the start.


It's possible that the authorities are just keen to get some sort of closure, but one only has to look back at other cases to see where the odds lie...


but sod all that, hopefully the little girl is found safe.

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Would it be too much to ask the 6 billion or so inhabitants of this planet to down tools tomorrow, and bring all economic trade to a global standstill until this poor girl is found? I don’t think worldwide meltdown is much to ask in return for the safe return of this poor little girl.


Alternatively, could I ask everyone to join any number of the various Facebook groups which are dedicated to finding Madeline? That way you will be safe in the knowledge you have made a genuine contribution to the cause, as oppose to buggering around on a social networking tool making shallow gestures of concern and whipping up hyperbole.

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