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Memories of the early seventies

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Hi Nadine, yes I am younger, a mere stripling in my fifties, I can well remember the mucky duck, I can't get rid of the taste of the beer from there, foul stuff it was.

I too was lucky that we never had a house without a bathroom, but remember my grandmother who lived in a terraced house never had one, even into the 60s. I think most folk were no dirtier then than now, it was just harder to keep clean, I mean who wanted to get washed with carbolic soap, and coal tar soap.

The kids these days still catch nits, but now they are looked at differently, flaming heck I am scratching even talking about em.


poppins, in answer to your question, the mucky duck is apparently still there, but of course under another name, and I can't remember the last time I went to town for a drink.

I will make an exception for you and Nadine, when you come back to us poor souls back home, but only for a swift half, I have heard about you women from abroad...me mam warned me about you lot ;)

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Originally posted by nsiebert

owdlad you must be a lot younger than us, not to remember that!!

Otherwise he would be "tarred with the same brush"

Yeah I remember the phrase "mucky duck", no wonder.

These days it sounds terrible,

Anyway the swan pub sounds good, if your buying.

I think Hazel is correct, I like to think I had turned into a swan, in comparrison to those days, we were not too bad, I cant ever remember not having a bathroom, but even up to leaving England in 1974, there were houses not too far away that still did not have a bathroom, can anyone else comment on that,

surely we are not the only ones that were mucky back then,

By the late 60's and early seventies things were moving along and I remember someone having a shower installed, but a lot of those terraced places didnt have a lot of mod cons


the terraced house that we moved into in 1973/4 had no mod cons


It didn't even have a sink, and had only one electrical plug for the whole house!!!


I well remember the tin bath, hung on the cellar head,

and the friday night bath, where everyone shared the same bathwater.

the last one into the bath always came out dirtier than they went in!!!!



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Originally posted by Plain Talker

the terraced house that we moved into in 1973/4 had no mod cons


It didn't even have a sink, and had only one electrical plug for the whole house!!!


I well remember the tin bath, hung on the cellar head,

and the friday night bath, where everyone shared the same bathwater.

the last one into the bath always came out dirtier than they went in!!!!



When you mentioned the one plug, you forgot to add that everyone had a multi plug kind of thing that fixed into the light socket, my mother used to use her electric iron from it, and the Christmas tree lights were always fixed into it.

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the 1974 miners strike......sat around eating our candle lit tea.....my worse memory of this was...being the oldest it was my job to fetch the coal from the celler i used tho **** mi sen everytime i had to go down in the dark:blush: :blush: :blush:

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Guest poppins

My Mom never trusted the coal man, they would try to short her a bag or two if she wasn't looking out the window.


Remember the chimney sweep, we had to cover the harth and rugs with newspapers, what a mess ! what a job !.


I notice tiled fire places are back in style now, but what red lines we use to get on the back of our legs trying to warm up, getting shouted at for standing in front too long.


I use to go to bed with our warm tea cosie on my head some times, my gram would warm a brick in the fire to put in bed, we had regular hot water bottle though.

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Aye there's so many things we can look back on, Rickits, Ring worm, Diptheria, Polio, proper Measles, not them German things, and last but not least Smoke puthering out of every chimney, so your clothes got covered in little black bits ever time next door fired up.......wor it thee kirky :P

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Originally posted by owdlad

Aye there's so many things we can look back on, Rickits, Ring worm, Diptheria, Polio, proper Measles, not them German things, and last but not least Smoke puthering out of every chimney, so your clothes got covered in little black bits ever time next door fired up.......wor it thee kirky :P

tha wazzock:)

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