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Memories of the early seventies

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Guest poppins

What nice memories you all bring back, loved the rag man, scared to death of the gypsies, they use to sell paper flowers.


what a difference viewing sheff after they made it smokeless.

our coal box was outside, we lived in a council house in southey green, then we would bring it in in buckets and keep it in the kitchen, i also remember the gas always went down low when we all cooked sunday dinner at the same time, took hours for the meat to get done, i lost the job of straining the gravy as a few times i strained it all down the sink and saved the lumps by mistake.


Having a once a week bath, it took our imersion heater hours to heat up, so with 5 of us in the house you only got one bath a night per person, if you were lucky you could jump in the same bath water of who ever got out fast and left some warm water l.


Mom use to put the bowl of jelly in the bath with a bit of cold water to set , took forever,


thanks for the memories.

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You were brave to mention the once a week bath, yes, going back to when I was young, we only turned on the immersion heater for baths,

Someone I knew didnt have a bathroom and they would heat up the twin tub washing machine and pump the water into the tin bath, I used to think that was so old fashioned even then.

There were 8 kids in the family and they all had to go to the front room while the people bathed in the kitchen, that would have been in the late 60's.

People used to look at your neck too to see if you had a "tide mark" after you had washed your face, oh dear these days that all sounds terrible

I laughed at the gravy story, I could imagaine that.

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Guest poppins


My gram had a tin bath tub, i think it was copper, worth a lot now, she would set it up in front of her fire place for me, i just soaked in it while she combed the nits out of my hair so i could go to school next day.



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owdlad you must be a lot younger than us, not to remember that!!

Otherwise he would be "tarred with the same brush"

Yeah I remember the phrase "mucky duck", no wonder.

These days it sounds terrible,

Anyway the swan pub sounds good, if your buying.

I think Hazel is correct, I like to think I had turned into a swan, in comparrison to those days, we were not too bad, I cant ever remember not having a bathroom, but even up to leaving England in 1974, there were houses not too far away that still did not have a bathroom, can anyone else comment on that,

surely we are not the only ones that were mucky back then,

By the late 60's and early seventies things were moving along and I remember someone having a shower installed, but a lot of those terraced places didnt have a lot of mod cons

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