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Thinking of fostering

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Have searched forum for previous threads, only one i can find is quite short on info.


Anyway considering this as a new direction. We have the space and our own children are all teens now, also have plenty of experience with children. Bit apprehensive really but very interested. I would really like to hear from carers, their views, the realities, pros and cons etc etc.

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I believe that the Fostering Network offer lots of help on this sort of thing. Their website is http://www.fostering.net/, and they've got a special section on there 'thinking about fostering'. I think they've got somebody who works in the Sheffield area - might be worth getting in touch with them.



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  • 1 month later...

So, you want the truth on fostering? The truth is this is a 'social construct' where many children are being torn from perfectly good homes and parents, to serve govt statistics of fostercare - adoption targets, also by social workers who need new 'victims' to meet their income.


Many parents across the UK and worldwide are desperate to get their children back who are often fostered out in the middle of the night, or straight from school and not allowed to see their children again for no 'real' endangerment to their children, but for untrue and malicious allegations thrown at them by greedy social workers, and then kidnapped by the state.


This is a growing trend. Only the select few will be able to foster, those who are willing to fulfill all the wishes of social workers rather than meeting the best interests of children.


No-one is listening to the children.


Some children however are in need of GOOD foster carers, but many are stolen away who never needed foster care in the first place. You have to consider whether your role as a foster carer is really for your financial benefit or for the benefit of vulnerable children and families which are torn apart by the system which legalises kidnapping, and is perverting the course of justice and basic human rights.


It could happen to you and your children for the slightest shadow of doubt cast against you. There is a sudden increase because of the alarming rate social workers are tearing children as young as newborn from their families on made up allegations used as 'evidence' and conjecture of several agencies and so-called experts who group together as an impenetrable force of 'proof'- even against common sense!, and permanently foster out children and even forced adoptions against their will, and all are silenced by gagging orders so that the truth is never revealed.


There is a growing trend or 'need' because social workers have found a niche for fulfilling their greed, and have all the authorities at their disposal and can strip you of your human rights to achieve their goals, even when their accusations are completely false. Foster carers, either unwittingly or for financial gain are whores of the system allowing the kidnapping to carry on.


These are strong views not only held by myself, but by experts worldwide. The state kidnappings of children should be stopped, children should remain with their families and social workers if deemed necessary should move in and 'see' in the big brother sense of the word what is going on and whether they have a case before ripping families apart arbitrarily the way they are doing now. Foster carers need to open their eyes to the system and not become party to a giant conspiracy and folly of the state. This is A real abuse of children and of happy, normal loving families who's children are also fostered out and adopted.


I am not saying that abuse does not go on behind closed doors, but that many innocent families children are taken by complete falsehood.


In this AGE OF BIG BROTHER it is easy to allocate these families either a live-in social worker or 24hr camera surveillance into homes of 'accused' rather than tearing families apart, in what has become a Modern Witch Hunt - especially in reference to allegations of MSBP Munchausens syndrome by Proxy which has no scientific foundation, and is now being quietly phased out and replaced with FIS Fictitious illness syndrome where a parent or carer is supposed to make up illness in a child.


See books, documentaries and internet for further information. Also consider recent rallys outside Family Court in Sheffield last month as seen on Look North BBC1 Monday 4th June 2007. Sign their petition to open the FAMILY COURTS and stop the secrecy covering up the pain and terrorism caused to both children and their families. It is not so simple as filling in a few forms and taking other peoples children in, and not so savoury as it appears on the surface. It is children trafficking at a govt. backed level.


However good foster carers with their eyes wide open would be in childrens interests, but not if theyre only interested in lining their pockets from an already too corrupt social injustice. http://www.stopinjusticenow.com , http://www.john.hemming.name , http://www.fassit.co.uk , http://www.unity-injustice.co.uk , http://www.forced-adoption.com ,.


I'd also be happy to discuss any of these issues only alluded to here at more length, with any interested or concerned parties / persons. I stand by all my assertions, however wildly they may seem to be phrased, to capture the attention of fair-minded people to this situation, and thought provoking enough hopefully to gather public support and outcry for justice, and immediate changes in the law to open up the family court, & introduce cases to a jury before children are 'taken'.

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So, you want the truth on fostering? The truth is this is a 'social construct' where many children are being torn from perfectly good homes and parents, to serve govt statistics of fostercare - adoption targets, also by social workers who need new 'victims' to meet their income. Many parents across the UK and worldwide are desperate to get their children back who are often fostered out in the middle of the night, or straight from school and not allowed to see their children again for no 'real' endangerment to their children, but for untrue and malicious allegations thrown at them by greedy social workers, and then kidnapped by the state. This is a growing trend. Only the select few will be able to foster, those who are willing to fulfill all the wishes of social workers rather than meeting the best interests of children. No-one is listening to the children. Some children however are in need of GOOD foster carers, but many are stolen away who never needed foster care in the first place. You have to consider whether your role as a foster carer is really for your financial benefit or for the benefit of vulnerable children and families which are torn apart by the system which legalises kidnapping, and is perverting the course of justice and basic human rights. It could happen to you and your children for the slightest shadow of doubt cast against you. There is a sudden increase because of the alarming rate social workers are tearing children as young as newborn from their families on made up allegations used as 'evidence' and conjecture of several agencies and so-called experts who group together as an impenetrable force of 'proof'- even against common sense!, and permanently foster out children and even forced adoptions against their will, and all are silenced by gagging orders so that the truth is never revealed. There is a growing trend or need because social workers have found a niche for fulfilling their greed, and have all the authorities at their disposal and can strip you of your human rights to achieve their goals, even when their accusations are completely false. Foster carers, either unwittingly or for financial gain are whores of the system allowing the kidnapping to carry on. These are strong views not only held by myself, but by experts worldwide. The state kidnappings of children should be stopped, children should remain with their families and social workers if deemed necessary should move in and 'see' in the big brother sense of the word what is going on and whether they have a case before ripping families apart arbitrarily the way they are doing now. Foster carers need to open their eyes to the system and not become party to a giant conspiracy and folly of the state. This is A real abuse of children and of happy, normal loving families who's children are also fostered out and adopted. I am not saying that abuse does not go on behind closed doors, but that many families children are taken by complete falsehood. In this AGE OF BIG BROTHER it is easy to allocate these families either a live-in social worker or 24hr camera surveillance into homes of 'accused' rather than tearing families apart, in what has become a Modern Witch Hunt - especially in reference to allegations of MSBP Munchausens syndrome by Proxy which has no scientific foundation, and is now being quietly phased out and replaced with FIS Fictitious illness syndrome where a parent or carer is supposed to make up illness in a child. See books, documentaries and internet for further information. Also consider recent rallys outside Family Court in Sheffield last month as seen on Look North BBC1 Monday 4th June 2007. Sign their petition to open the FAMILY COURTS and stop the secrecy covering up the pain and terrorism caused to both children and their families. It is not so simple as filling in a few forms and taking other peoples children in, and not so savoury as it appears on the surface. It is children trafficking at a govt. backed level. However good foster carers with their eyes wide open would be in childrens interests, but not if theyre only interested in lining their pockets from an already too corrupt social injustice. http://www.stopinjusticenow.com , http://www.john.hemming.name , http://www.fassit.co.uk , http://www.unity-injustice.co.uk , http://www.forced-adoption.com ,. I'd also be happy to discuss any of these issues only alluded to here at more length, with any interested or concerned parties / persons. I stand by all my assertations, however wildly they may seem to be phrased, to capture the attention of fair-minded people to this situation, and thought provoking enough hopefully to gather public support and outcry for justice, and immediate changes in the law to open up the family court, & introduce cases to a jury before children are 'taken'.


Ugh, I wish you'd used paragraphs...

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Cerebrum I agree entirely with all your remarks and I quite concur with what you say, For all you out there who think that Cerebrum is exaggerating being personally involved let me tell you that he/she certainly isn't and this practice is going on everyday,


Also, if the 'birth' parents complain about neglect or anything else being given by a foster parent then the social workers take no action whatsoever but the 'birth' parents are just considered to be troublemakers and their voices are not heard at all. And it also jeopardises any chance of them getting their children back!


The children could actually be with foster carers and in homes far worse than the ones the social workers have taken them from. They could actually be suffering far worse neglect, but because the social workers (who incidentally will never admit to making a mistake or admit to being in the wrong) have put them there in the first place then that is where they will stay until/when they get adopted.


It is all a myth that the social workers have the children's best interests at heart and that the children's wellbeing is of the utmost concern - poppycock - its all to do with Government figures and the social workers are just taking children from families without ever working and helping the families concerned. This happens even more so if the children are deemed to be 'socially adoptable'!

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I work as an interpreter, and sometimes with social workers. I can verify all the things said above, social workers often exaggerate trivial things and do their best to get the parents into trouble for no real reasons. Often they bully the parents with the belief that they are protected by the law and can’t be questioned.


The amount of damage they cause is horrendous, but they don’t care. How ironic..

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what a load of twoddle ...


Im not a foster carer but both my brothers were brought to my parents house (who were foster carers) in the middle of the night as emergency cases .... both children were in a terrible. The mother (who has 7 children all in care) was schizophrenic and had left the children to fend for themselves, the eldest (2 yrs) was scrounging through the rubbish bins finding food for himself, the youngest (1) was left in his cot ... so dehydrated he needed urgent medical attention .... after staying with my family for 6 weeks, both children were placed up for adoption, and as they had become part of the family ... were adopted by my parents, that was over 20 years ago.


I am now a social worker ( I don’t work in childrens services now … simply because I found the abuse that the children were suffering from their parents far too much to cope with and there fore moved into adult services) …. I admit, there has been some terrible decisions made by social workers, however I would stake my life on it that 99% of children NEED to be removed from home for their own safety … before they die at the hands of abusive parents.

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