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Thinking of fostering

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I can allay your concerns mel77.


My examples of fostering situations are from nearly 30 years ago and from outside of Sheffield (where I have never worked) to maintain confidentiality. I should have made that clear in my original post.


Thank you for qualifying that, i was a little concerned!! The way the conversations read it was as though you were defending a current case.


From reading the other posts from cerebrum, i think they just wanted an agrument and to rile a few s/w's!!


Thank you for your reply x

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my friend who is a year younger was taken into care last week. and for very good reasons too. she was very very messed up about it all and she doesn't have any family in the UK as they all live in Italy. she went to stay with a really nice couple and has decided to stay with them as she doesn't want to leave England seen as though she's in Y10 going to Y11 doing GCSEs.

But in my opinion, fostering is brilliant and gives such a good opourtunity to some kids. I mean yeah sometimes there is problems with it like these 2 girls i know were treated like crap by there foster dad and raped them both over and over but that is a very very rare case and i am very sure that what your planning on doing is right as you seem like a lovely person who would be great for fostering children :) Good Luck if you do go ahead with it :D

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Various family members have been Foster parents in different areas of the country. My brother said he only wanted to foster short stay younger children but was gradually persuaded to take older longstay children. My brother in law originally took children with special needs to give their parents some respite care. They heard of a family of four who had been very neglected, often locked in a room for days on end while the parents were away (the oldest was five). They decided to take the children on and eventually they adopted them. The children are all either grownup or teenage now and despite one of them having speech difficulties etc.. due to deprivation you wouldn't know that now. On the down side all my relatives have been given children to foster who were so severely disturbed they are now in psychiatric units. They were not given enough information at the beginning deliberately. There is not a lot of psychiatric or counselling for children in foster care or training for the foster parents. Some of the incidents that happened to my relatives and the other children they were fostering at the same time due to these disturbed children would make your hair curl. It left us very angry because these disturbed children were not getting the appropriate care. Fostering was not the best option in their case.

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  • 4 years later...

Typical arrogant Social worker.

Were you at my house when i got first hand experience of the way ss work?

No, so get over yourself.


so true The daddy.

ss tried to take my new born from me. they had a meeting 7 days before he was born and decided to place him in foster care.

they said id have 5 days with him in the hospital while the courts finalised things.

hahaha ive never been a day without my son.

the chairman on the panel of judges told ss lawyer that their client was a disgrace!!!

i have now two boys. social services are non existant and i hold a part time job as a carer for young adults.

im now looking at foster caring as a career. i want to help the children who need help and stability and show love to each child no matter what their circumstances. including the ones who have been wrongly taken from their parents.

its a wicked world out there but i fought against social services and my boy remained with me. although looking at myself back then i wouldnt have trusted me with a new born baby either.

throughout my experiences with social workers they are real good people who genuinly want to help and there are others who want to keep figures up and are total jobs worths.


but back to the fostering advice...

as ive stated above im also interested in pursuing a career in fostering and that is why ive been following this post.

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Erm, I am not even a parent :huh: so you've made an ASSUMPTION there (surprise suprise!). I've worked along with social workers and thus I'm speaking from experience love. Most social workers I've come across are extremely arrogant and do their utmost best to make 2+2 =10.


This is my experience too - was asked by senior managers to change a report to incriminate a parent.


play ball or leave - i left but my replacement may be more dependent on the wages.


Shortly after i left the Trevor Macdonald tonight program highlighted the cash for adoptions and the council need for babies to cash in on the offer.


Cerebrum post is flawless in my experience - and also sits well with the tonight program

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