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Norfolk Arms Hotel - Ringinglow?


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this is interesting




but the post has been closed.


i will not name the hotel for legal reasons together with the fact that SF does not allow such things.




I was the one taking a hotel in Ringinglow Village to court and won today


through their own ignorance and failure to understand what a contract is, not only did i win this case today but i have now won this case efectivly 3 times


maybe they will finally realise that the small business will not just walk away after being walked on but they will stand up and fight....................... and win!!!



cant wait to receive the cheque now, and if they hadnt been so arrogant and tried to hide behind the LIMITED part of the company, this case would have been settled a long time ago and not cost them as much as it has.


cheers to this hotel :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and my wife went the other night for a meal as the weather was extreamly nice in the evening, my wife being a fussy eater asked one of the waitresses if something could be accommodated, she went to ask the chef. to our amazement and something that has never happened to us and we dine out alot, the chef (david i think the name was on his jacket) came to our table and asked what he could do for us, he was extreamly helpful and very polite, and accommodate us he did, even though busy we recieved our meal which was fantastic so good we told our friend and after a tasting have now booked a wedding their. i would well recommend it the staff was brilliant and the building lovely. if it wasn't for being so busy i would have asked to see that chef again just to shake his hand he made our night....

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It's a nice pub in a lovely spot the Norfolk Arms at Ringinglow.


The food looks o.k. - typical average sort of pub food really. I don't mean that negatively, but there are a few places where I go and you see food coming out and think "wow! look at that, I must have some" and there are other places that earn a reputation for excellent pub food so that people come for miles around to eat - but this isn't either of those places in my view. Nothing wrong with the food, but, some way to go if it is to be known especially for it's food.


The thing about poor service though is a shame. I've only popped in for drinks, usually at weekends whilst out walking with friends. It's seemed like pandemonium on some occasions in terms of the service, just getting served at the bar.


Don't you just hate it when it takes 3 members of staff to do one task? This is what I've seen up there. Something goes wrong, like a beer goes off and needs changing, or a customer wants another ice cube, or something trivial like that, and the young bar staff get flumoxed and need to confer with each other to sort it out. So, the queues start building up and people get frustrated.


It's not the bar staff's fault of course. They shouldn't be allowed to work until they have been fully trained and know how to operate the till, change the beer, fill the ice cube bucket up, whatever.


But this isn't just about the Norfolk Arms, it's a common occurrence in many shops and restaurants. For whatever reasons, either the people themselves have no initiative and thinking power, or their employers fail to prepare them for dealing with the general public.


(The previous point about them being poorly paid has nothing to do with anything has it?).

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I've eaten at The Norfolk Arms several times since its refurbishment and have always been satisfied with the food and service.... except the last visit in June 2008.


We ordered fish and chips (can't recall its description on the menu, something along the lines of Wild Cod in a light Batter with potato batons and hand-blended petits-pois). After a long wait the fish arrived, but where were the chips? Oh hold on, here they are, hidden under the fish, all ten of them. The fish wasn't exactly massive either.


At £10 it's just a - . The staff never appeared to enquire how the food was, presumably because they were embarrassed about the paucity of it.


For comparison, we ate in the Walnut Club in Hathersage the following week, the food was much more interesting, there was more of it, it was better presented, the staff more helpful, the surroundings smarter and the price about the same.


The manager of the Norfolk Arms needs to get a grip: It's not nouvelle cuisine, it's not a fancy restaurant, it's just a very nice pub with a beautiful view.

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I've eaten at The Norfolk Arms several times since its refurbishment and have always been satisfied with the food and service.... except the last visit in June 2008.


We ordered fish and chips (can't recall its description on the menu, something along the lines of Wild Cod in a light Batter with potato batons and hand-blended petits-pois). After a long wait the fish arrived, but where were the chips? Oh hold on, here they are, hidden under the fish, all ten of them. The fish wasn't exactly massive either.


At £10 it's just a - . The staff never appeared to enquire how the food was, presumably because they were embarrassed about the paucity of it.


For comparison, we ate in the Walnut Club in Hathersage the following week, the food was much more interesting, there was more of it, it was better presented, the staff more helpful, the surroundings smarter and the price about the same.


The manager of the Norfolk Arms needs to get a grip: It's not nouvelle cuisine, it's not a fancy restaurant, it's just a very nice pub with a beautiful view.


I know what you mean. I have enjoyed the food at the Norfolk Arms, but this stupibd idea of a sculptured pile of 10 chips does not add to the dining experience. I would rather have 15 next to my steak rather than half the preparation time spent on a construction that I will destroy with the first stroke of my knife.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
As the new manager of The Norfolk Arms Hotel I am very disappointed to hear about the experience had by the couple dining with us on Saturday the 6.06.08 and would like to apologise on behalf of all of us here at The Norfolk Hotel. This is not at all acceptable and I thank you for your comments, I will be looking into this.


As new management we have set very high standards for all our team, food, accommodation

and business as a whole. Understandably, some of these processes do take longer than others and with that we are pushing forward to achieve the standards set.


We are busy re-designing the Hotel bar and restaurant menu and are in the process of developing our grounds up to the standards we require.


If you're the same manager who was in charge yesterday (Sunday 21st September), you obviously haven't made much progresss in the last 3 months!


We paid for our food upfront and waited patiently, but seeing that other people who arrived after we did were being served before us, we enquired what was happening. This was to several waitresses and the man who took our order.


After waiting for MORE THAN AN HOUR we were approached by a man who we presumed to be the manager.


He confirmed what we’d ordered and said that two tables had been given our order number and they had brought the food out three times, but it had gone to the other table, who already had their food.


On no occasion did he apologise for this and actually very smarmily insinuated that it was our fault – despite no-one coming near our table with what looked like our food.


Then when we finally received our food, it was plonked in front of us with out a word and when we’d finished, taken away without so much as a 'how was your meal?’.


And as well as this terrible service, the food itself was very average. At £10 for a Sunday dinner, you’d certainly expect more.


In short, we were treated really badly and will never go again. We’d advise you to do the same!


ps Hello to everyone on the forum. Sorry my first post is so negative!

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