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A Sheffield Victorian Diary

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Thanks so much for posting that - what an excellent read.


My God, they were dangerous times to live in - and we think we have it bad!



A small selection of juicy bits:


March 31st. 1850

William Butcher attempts murder by lobbing a hand grenade through a bedroom window.


May 27th. 1850

Samuel Law killed by a man jumping off a table onto him whilst he's laid on the floor in a pub.


August 18th. 1852

Alfred Waddington kills his daughter by cutting off her head with a shoemakers knife.


January 24th. 1856

James Hill kills his nephew by cutting his head off.


December 7th. 1861

Thomas Townsend shoots his stepdaughter and then shoots himself.


March 18th. 1862

Joseph Thompson accused of murdering of Bridget O'Rouke by throwing a can of gunpowder through the chamber window.


September 23rd. 1862

B. Cohen kills himself by cutting his own belly open.



Excellent post, thanks drinkingman. That's gone straight into my local history bookmarks folder.

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If anyone's interested in Sheffield's history have a look at A Sheffield Victorian Diary. It was rescued before it ended up in a bin. I've no idea who wrote it, but it lists some of the more important events in Sheffield between 1843 and 1864. Who know's it might mention an ancestor of yours!



Having read the diary and finding it very interesting I am asking you to submit it to the Sheffield Genealogy site. There are so many names mentioned that someone searching for their ancestors may find a link.

The email address is-



I did not want to contact the site with the details without your permission.


Thanks for posting the diary, also thanks to your wife and mother-in-law for typing it out.


Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.

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Having read the diary and finding it very interesting I am asking you to submit it to the Sheffield Genealogy site. There are so many names mentioned that someone searching for their ancestors may find a link.

The email address is-



I did not want to contact the site with the details without your permission.


Thanks for posting the diary, also thanks to your wife and mother-in-law for typing it out.


Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.


Thanks Cynthia. I've tried emailing them but there seems to be a problem. I've PM'd you.

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