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British Relay/ Visionhire

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Some more names have come to mind, John carruthers went toplay in Suzie and the banshees band if I recall correctly, I sold him a vox ac30 amp cheap, I wouldn't mind it back now...lol Steve Parkin who was sadly killed in a taxi accident, a great lad helped decorate my first home, Alan searle, Dennis Fisher french polisher and his darts partner Doug Thompson, Bob Lowe, David Gibson, Phil Tutle, Robin baxter,Steve Williams, Ted Baxter, Darryl Wild, Paul Hustler I used to drive him to despair by tapping my screwdriver on a PL509 for 10 mins..lol..Lawrence Bannister (manager at Comet now) not forgetting the legendary Maurice who mended slots in a back room, who was the guy who mended the vid 1 boxes, Geoff fairhust, fozzy bear (Graham?) blimy I thought I had alzhiemers but my long term memory is ok ...lol

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I remember having that ( well my parents did )


One summer when the programs were not running ... there was a message that asked people to enter a competition for the chance to go on a trip.



I was one that won and along with a couple of coaches full of kids went to watch Bernie Clifton ( i think ) at another town and a party ... cant remember where it was ...I have a feeling it was Bradford ?



anyone else remember this ?


I went down to their place on one of my wanderings too

Edited by Scrinthe
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More names spring to mind..Don Coupe was november team leader, Hanson was the Vid1 box engineer, Charly leeslie, Mick West, engineers, Eddie Francis in sales, Bill Colley was general manager.

I recall when Tom parry wanted to change our working hours because people were not turning up on time, so he stood at the bottom of the ramp pointing to his watch as we all rolled in a few minutes late, Rodney Rowland knew what Tom was up to and he only lived next door but still turned up 15 minutes late.

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  • 2 months later...

When I worked at Wigfall's in the early 70's we delivered BRW tellys and boxes that were bloody heavy to tower blocks like Parkhill, Hyde Park and Norfolk Park. I most certainly remember those 'hedgehog' plugs. A cuppla years later I was a-courting with a girl who worked as a cashier at BRW on Pinstone St(?), Moor all week and Saturday's half day. Her name was (is) Jean Hague (Haig) and she also worked a pair of evenings a week at the Wapentake. I took this glorious lady for granted so she ditched me after a few months, and who could blame her? NOBODY! Jean lived on Cary Road, Manor, does anybody remember this little diamond?

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  • 9 months later...

Do you remember the Londeners that came to Sheffield in July 1958 to get piped television started? I was one of them,I would like to think that we gave Sheffield a good service,which I am sure we did.I am still living here having settled down quite nicely.


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I worked for British Relay from 1958-1979 in Sheffield, It took a good amount of organising to carry out the beginning of piped [as it was called then]television.

There were many ups and downs but eventually we were able to give a reliable service until the Co.finished in 1979.

Looking back Iam pleased with the effort I and the staff which we recruited in Sheffield made to the reception in the said City.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

When I was a very small boy 4 or 5 years of age my Grandfather used to do contract work for BRW and I remember a chap called Mr Moor that lived off twentywell lane at door. I strangely remember a chap who worked there who painted straight coloured lines on to canvas, does anyone remember him?

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I remember british relay too yes we had i think 4 channels!! bbc1 bb2 itv yorks and central (itv) (pre channel 4 days ), Always rember got to see Tiswas before it got on main stream itv think was just on central, the early stuff was madder than the later stuff,:hihi:

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  • 3 months later...

I worked for British Relay TV from 1874 - 1978. I was based at the Runcorn Cheshire workshop. I also worked as a Field Service Technician, covering several areas, including Wirral, Liverpool, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington, Chester. Does anyone from that period remember those days. I also ended up working for Visionhire as BRW was taken over by Visionhire. :|

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