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British Relay/ Visionhire

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i'm sure that der or radio rentals had a service centre just off rutland road, at the penistone road.






it was woodside lane, it runs parallel with rutland road. Not bad hey i left sheffield 43 years ago (b relay) cheers dave barraclough

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Bill Denton was a great man, he was the manager at Woodside Lane, he lived on Swanbourn Road. You were with British Relay wern't you and then you all moved up to Derbyshire Lane. Do you remember?


How long were you doing Sheff 5? There were about 6 engineers on that area weren't there? One was a fair haired chap called Paul and you all worked as a team, was your call sign India 1 etc?


You would have been servicing sets on pipe line, and the vision hire techs did the off air sets.


Ring any bells yet? Do you remember the Morris scheme?



there was only 2 of us that covered S5, Paul Bishop &myself dave barraclough. i would like Paul bishops contact details i owe him a huge apology. re morris i knew him from woodside lane

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Bill Denton was a great man, he was the manager at Woodside Lane, he lived on Swanbourn Road. You were with British Relay wern't you and then you all moved up to Derbyshire Lane. Do you remember?


How long were you doing Sheff 5? There were about 6 engineers on that area weren't there? One was a fair haired chap called Paul and you all worked as a team, was your call sign India 1 etc?


You would have been servicing sets on pipe line, and the vision hire techs did the off air sets.


Ring any bells yet? Do you remember the Morris scheme?



there was only 2 of us that covered S5, Paul Bishop &myself dave barraclough. i would like Paul bishops contact details i owe him a huge apology. re morris i knew him from woodside lane sorry dave morris

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Don't know about the earler days of Relay but when I joined early 70's the teams were 6 men - there were TVR teams (cable) and TSC teams (off air) and the two never mixed calls. The MSE gut was for colour TV repairs and teamleader was usually call sign ending 1 i.e India 1 etc. The India team I remember were Paul B. Mick Briz. Dave ? Carl S. and one other I can't remember but think it was a Terry.

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Hi all:)


Long time no hear about,


I worked at Derbyshire lane for around 7/8 years after leaving Philip Canns on Chaple walk, my Brother Phil had left B.R.W a year or so earlier to work at Granada,Geoff harbourn set me on temporary in the stores with Ralph and Jack walsh, and John all nice guys.Had some fun times in ralphs office with the 8mm projector...say no more!!!!


Moved onto the bench as an apprentice under Novemebr team leader who went to south africa I have just forgotton his name,(not Mike he was Lima) I worked along side Pete leaming, very sad to hear of his death we had some great laughs together, we once set fire to a B/W conversion we couldn't mend with wire wool and meths on the system switch from the french polishers dept and walked away until some one alerted us about the fire, but by that time it really was unrepairable...Lol


I once watched old Bert pashley (Brilliant guy) spend all morning blowing fuses with a short circuit rectifier which he knew about, and looking bemused what a stunt!


I recall making and selling tube blasters from the vid one boxes, I think Alan Senior made an amp for his guitar out of one, using 2n3055s power transistors off the linestage along with the large aluminium heatsinks they were on , at one stage we got hold of a circuit for a frost detector to fit to your car and the stores were raided by most of us once again!!! Made allsorts of stuff on the bench as well as mending a few tv's. I recall Ian peck being into all manner of electronic devices.


I then joined George Gildays team Romeo always good fun going on there, then a couple of stretches on field service in Doncaster and as spare man doing any area, then back onto Mick Meahs (mam mia lol) team along with Mick Buckley now that was a scream both super people, never lauged so much in my life, Derek Foster :loopy:was in charge followed by Ron:mad: then Bill Denton :cool:who did a great job as workshop manager. We became experts at playing cards, I recall winning £15 quid at pontoon one lunchtime not bad as I was £18 a week, I won the tote on the first week I was there Geoff couildn't believe my luck.


We also had a B.R.W Karate club run by Dave Naylor and his brother he did the barnsley area for the november team great guys great times, I recall me and pete trying to smash plywood with our fists and geogre rolling about in laughter as we skinned our knuckles, great days.


Tom Parry once put up a memo on the workshop board reqeusting the person (Dave Osbourne) not to blow raspberries when he visited our workshop, this was fatal as we all did it then, he nearly blew a fuse Lol



Enjoyed playing tennis with Mick Buckley, Alan Senior, pete leaming and Mick meah in 1976 wow was that a hot year, we couldn't stay in the workshop because of the heat.


Saddest day was being made redundant and leaving escorted off the permises by Uncle Tom:help:


I have just visited Rodney roland he is mainly living in spain now enjoying the sunshine, I will pass on this site to him.


Some others I remember, Pete pashley, Arthur ( we set fire to an old rag around his stool leg and he spent ages trying to find the burning component on the tv he was working on Lol) Mike healy, Dave Forest, Derek Davis (he was the last workshop manager)

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My lasting memory that always makes me chuckle was goold old Uncle Tom when he put a message out over the radio "I have a presonal message for Juliet 2 - will everone else please switch their radio's off until I tell you to switch them back on!" So we all did - and he then wondered why he couldn't get hold of anyone for the rest of the day.


Lot's of names in your post and yes I remember Raplh's 8mm projector!

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Hi all:)


Long time no hear about,


I worked at Derbyshire lane for around 7/8 years after leaving Philip Canns on Chaple walk, my Brother Phil had left B.R.W a year or so earlier to work at Granada,Geoff harbourn set me on temporary in the stores with Ralph and Jack walsh, and John all nice guys.Had some fun times in ralphs office with the 8mm projector...say no more!!!!


Moved onto the bench as an apprentice under Novemebr team leader who went to south africa I have just forgotton his name,(not Mike he was Lima) I worked along side Pete leaming, very sad to hear of his death we had some great laughs together, we once set fire to a B/W conversion we couldn't mend with wire wool and meths on the system switch from the french polishers dept and walked away until some one alerted us about the fire, but by that time it really was unrepairable...Lol


I once watched old Bert pashley (Brilliant guy) spend all morning blowing fuses with a short circuit rectifier which he knew about, and looking bemused what a stunt!


I recall making and selling tube blasters from the vid one boxes, I think Alan Senior made an amp for his guitar out of one, using 2n3055s power transistors off the linestage along with the large aluminium heatsinks they were on , at one stage we got hold of a circuit for a frost detector to fit to your car and the stores were raided by most of us once again!!! Made allsorts of stuff on the bench as well as mending a few tv's. I recall Ian peck being into all manner of electronic devices.


I then joined George Gildays team Romeo always good fun going on there, then a couple of stretches on field service in Doncaster and as spare man doing any area, then back onto Mick Meahs (mam mia lol) team along with Mick Buckley now that was a scream both super people, never lauged so much in my life, Derek Foster :loopy:was in charge followed by Ron:mad: then Bill Denton :cool:who did a great job as workshop manager. We became experts at playing cards, I recall winning £15 quid at pontoon one lunchtime not bad as I was £18 a week, I won the tote on the first week I was there Geoff couildn't believe my luck.


We also had a B.R.W Karate club run by Dave Naylor and his brother he did the barnsley area for the november team great guys great times, I recall me and pete trying to smash plywood with our fists and geogre rolling about in laughter as we skinned our knuckles, great days.


Tom Parry once put up a memo on the workshop board reqeusting the person (Dave Osbourne) not to blow raspberries when he visited our workshop, this was fatal as we all did it then, he nearly blew a fuse Lol



Enjoyed playing tennis with Mick Buckley, Alan Senior, pete leaming and Mick meah in 1976 wow was that a hot year, we couldn't stay in the workshop because of the heat.


Saddest day was being made redundant and leaving escorted off the permises by Uncle Tom:help:


I have just visited Rodney roland he is mainly living in spain now enjoying the sunshine, I will pass on this site to him.


Some others I remember, Pete pashley, Arthur ( we set fire to an old rag around his stool leg and he spent ages trying to find the burning component on the tv he was working on Lol) Mike healy, Dave Forest, Derek Davis (he was the last workshop manager)



They were good days in that workshop

Do you remember how we would to shout " FRANK " from one side of the workshop to which you would say " WHAT " to which we would reply " BOLL**KS "

I remember you well frank ,

Do you still play the guitar ?

Best wishes to you Ian

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Xomegaman I remember that what a scream, I used to make crackling noises down my mike as I worked out in the sticks, sometimes I would radion in anonymously and say Tom parry is a Tw*t in a muffled voice, great days eh!!


Hi Ian lovely to hear from you again, I had forgoteen that, I recall pete leaming answering the workshop phone as it was near his bench and would shout out, Frank you are wanted on the interossiter (which film is that from?) Started playing the guitar again recently still not very good but we go to a pub in tickhill once a month and I sing 4 or five songs along with my middle son who is quite good, actually all three of my sons are better than me and my daugheter who is 35 next month arrrrgh! just had our 35th wedding anniversary arrrrrgh. What are you up to these days Ian?


Kindest regards



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Xomegaman I remember that what a scream, I used to make crackling noises down my mike as I worked out in the sticks, sometimes I would radion in anonymously and say Tom parry is a Tw*t in a muffled voice, great days eh!!


Hi Ian lovely to hear from you again, I had forgoteen that, I recall pete leaming answering the workshop phone as it was near his bench and would shout out, Frank you are wanted on the interossiter (which film is that from?) Started playing the guitar again recently still not very good but we go to a pub in tickhill once a month and I sing 4 or five songs along with my middle son who is quite good, actually all three of my sons are better than me and my daugheter who is 35 next month arrrrgh! just had our 35th wedding anniversary arrrrrgh. What are you up to these days Ian?


Kindest regards


Hiya Frank

The film you are thinking of is " This Island Earth "

Do you remember the Gec Miniscope I let you have , you spent a day or so getting it going on the bench ..

I work making and delivering school furniture at the moment a nice and easy job . Last did field tv work about 12 years ago .

Best regards Ian

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Hi Ian,

yes I do remember that, only a day? Lol... I worked for myself for about seven years after a couple of years at telesure after I had left relay, then had to retire because of health problems, couldn't face another tv or video repair after that, I loathed the sight of them, went into coaching athletics for 20 years as a hobby up to international level that was great fun got around europe a bit with it, but had to retire recently due to further health problems, so now I just fanny about on the computer or guitar .


Your job sounds ideal Ian my middle son is a P.E teacher at king teds you might even have seen him! Keep those memories flowing, great fun!!


kind regards



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