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Riding Stables NEAR Crookes

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Does anyone know if Cloughfields Stables near Crookes are a riding stables? I really want to start riding again but prices are just stupid (around £17 for half an hour at someplaces). Also does anyone know of anyone that owns a horse that gives private lessons?



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I think it's a livery yard.


You'll have a job finding someone with a horse prepared to give lessons - it's insurance that's the problem. I think it's partially due to the public liability (or somesuch) insurance that riding schools are charging so much these days.


Tis a bit sad really.


Good luck looking though :) x

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I know what you mean its incredibly expensive and its insurance and other admin costs that have pushed it up and up.


You could try going for half hour sessions and just have the odd hour's hacking here and there it will get you going.


I prefer Barnes Green (now grenoside equestrian centre) because I know them very well and they will support you should you decide you want to buy your own ned at some point. That's where I started my kids off.


Look at the British Horse Society webpage and it has a list of local registered schools and they are all approved and licensed so the best place to start.




Once you've been going for about 6-12 months you will know how serious you are about it and also get your seat and hands back and your confidence. Then you can always look for a share with someone near you. The best way to find one is by networking, so you need to chat to EVERYONE and make yourself known so you can find a good one. Alternatively you might decide to buy your own, it varies in cost but my rent is only £20 per week and I can ride every day if I want to. To be frank with other costs it averages out about £40 per week to keep mine (DIY livery), which equates to about 2 hours of riding lessons. But if you get a year round living out steady neddy, it may be cheaper. And of course sharing is cheaper anyway.


All I can say is get yourself started and then start networking. Lots of people with horses are keen to share but only with someone committed, reliable and capable enough, you need to demonstrate that to get a good share.


If you want to ride without having lessons, you need to get yourself gold standard insurance with the BHS (or something similar) as it will cover you for any accident you may have (look on their website), BUT there are issues - insurance you have may not cover the horse you ride or third party liability in case of accidents, on the other hand, the owners insurance may not cover you or may not be valid if you are riding! Third party is vital if you hack out even if you stay off road as accidents often happen involving the public, eg cyclists, pushchairs, dogs etc.


Hope you find somewhere anyway, keep nosing around and keep asking, its just such a great thing to do. Sadly never cheap though!

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Thanks for all the info. Its just frustrating as I am not a bad rider I am just a bit out of touch. I guess if insurance wasnt a problem lots of private horse owners would offer to loan there horses as £17 for half a hour would go a long way to the horse upkeep

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I came to sheffield I wanted to get back into riding so I went to Barnes green and they are really good, still expensive though! I have had a couple of horses on part loan since I came here and it has been so much better cost wise as I can ride 3 times a week for less than cost of a lesson! sadly the horse I'm loaning is up for sale now so I'm going to be horseless once again! :(


Are there any clubs or groups in sheffield for non horse owners?

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