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Naughty/mildly Evil Things You Used To Do As A Kid!

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Now that we are responsible (sniggers!) adults we tend to lambast the young uns today for exactly the same things we did as kids, bearing this in mind what was the naughty little tricks you used to do when you were a kid ??

Heres my favorite; we used to pester one of the neighbours as he was a grumpy old git by getting a spool of fishing line that had a small metal washer tied about five inches from the end then with a roll of sellotape sick the end of the line to his window right behind where his curtian hung when opened, then carefully unwind the fishing line off the spool untill you reached the nearest bushes or tree to hide so he couldnt see you, then all you do is pull on the line to make the washer "TAP" on his window, first he would just casually open the curtains to see what or who it was, it was when we tapped his window about half a dozen times that he started shouting out the window " i know who you are you little b*ggers im gonna tell your dads" meanwhile we were nearly wetting ourselves hiding in nearby bushes...:hihi: as soon as the cutains were closed again "tap tap tap" used to drive him nuts:hihi: oh halcyon days!!! thats mine "whats yours??!:hihi: :hihi:

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Bloody hell I could go on for hours! I was a little turd and proud of it!

I used to do the same thing with fishing line, but we`d tie two door knockers together with it, pull on one so the door knocked then sit back to watch the fun.

The victims were sometimes opening the door for anything up to 20 minutes before they realised they were being suckered.

We used to do tons of stuff to neighbours and each other.

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I honestly can't think of anything I did as a child, except to once go apple "scromping".....I didn't get any apples, but I did get lost & was late home, and therefore grounded for a week or more!

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I followed the milk man up the road once and hid all the milk he'd delivered so nobody could find it. I got caught and marched home by a woman from up the road and got the biggest telling off and slap round the legs I've ever had. Then my mum took me to every house and made me apologise and get their milk back for them. I was mortified and learned my lesson.

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Isn't that Scrumping, sultana?


I used to like blowing stuff up; I made no end of fires in the woods near home and threw all sorts of things onto them, with varing results. I won't go into details for fear of encouraging some other young mentalists into trying something similar. ;)


I never really did anything that would get me into trouble though.

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stand on the upstairs toilet seat and talk to the man next door who was always sailing off somewhere, have had a thing about boats ever since, then my mother used to shout "where are you, what are you doing" - wonder why!!! (he'd be in his bathroom about 12' away)

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