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Naughty/mildly Evil Things You Used To Do As A Kid!

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Oh crikey Muldoon how many old threads are you going to resurrect today?


To highlight some of my naughty behaviour as a child is all I can do, being naughty was my favourite pastime as a child.


¬ Stink bombs in the cinema after sneaking in through the fire exit, this was a regular stunt.

¬ Finding vantage points from which to throw snappits and bangers onto the unsuspecting public.

¬ restaurants hated us, we'd always leave upside-down beverages on the tables and loosen the tops off the salt, pepper and vinegar shakers.


....... I could go on but the list is endless:hihi:

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Washing up liquid in the kettle - say no more :suspect:


:hihi::hihi: Once put an extra strong mint (broken in two) into a full bottle of coke and screwed the lid on Really Quick !! then left it in the fridge in a shared house.. The coke thief was soon brought to task :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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We did alsorts like tieing loads of empty cans to the local floor layers van and throwing them underneath knowing he would be up at 4am waking the entire street up with them rattling behind him. Actually going knocking on peoples doors "penny for guying" with real people dressed as guys in a wheelbarrow, which was hilarious when they told you to sod off and he got up. God knows how many gardens we destroyed "hedgehopping" too

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I used to pick legs off daddy long leg things.:twisted:


i used to get daddy long legs and hold a magnyfying glass over them in sun whoosh one fried daddy long leg i still wonder if i was a normal child :hihi: come to that not sure im a normal adult

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