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What do you think about children in pubs?

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Kids should only be allowed in if the pub has a specific area for eating (and of course if the kid is eating!). And even then only prior to 8:00 and only if they are well behaved.


Don't mind them in the beer garden as long they are under control.

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I have taken our little boy to pubs with restaurants that allow children to go in. Not once has he misbehaved but from days old we took him to cafes, coffee shops etc so he's used to eating out. I also go prepared with things to entertain him. I'd be ashamed if his behaviour upset other people trying to enjoy their meal out.


I don't think all pubs should let children in - If I have the chance of an evening out with my partner we love going for a drink knowing there won't be kids about.


I hate to see kids running round pubs. I don't think they should allow them in after 9pm. Good to have adult time as well as family time.

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I had to endure some kids running around screaming in the otherwise peaceful garden of the University Arms last Friday, while their idiot parents sat at the other end of the garden looking over occassionally (I assume to check we weren't molesting them or something).


They could have least let them run around in their own space instead of mine - but then I suppose they were wanting to go and relax at the pub.


A woman on an adjacent table to ours clearly wasn't too impressed either, and proceeded to blow smoke over the little horrors. :D

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I don't think pubs are suitable places for children in the evenings. The exceptions being pubs with clearly defined kids play areas but even then they should be cleared out by 8 o'clock.


I can't see the problem with dogs though, I always find they add a bit of friendliness to a pub.

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The "Waaa! I'm gonna get me Dad on you!" Brigade has a lot to answer for IMO. These days you can't even look sideways at a kid without they claim abuse! :loopy:


On topic, I don't mind kids in pubs, if there's a cute little babby to coo over, all the better (and no, I am not into them like THAT!).

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