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What do you think about children in pubs?

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I actually think it's important that kids get to be around adults when out, and to understand that being out is a good thing, but I often find that in many pubs where kids can go, parents are more bothered about their own enjoyment, rather than that of other patrons, let alone their kids.


Yes, I absolutely agree with this.


Children who are well-socialised and well brought up (to use a rather old fashioned phrase) can conduct themselves properly in an 'adult' environment - whether that's a pub, restaurant, Mum's office for half an hour, whatever - without causing anyone else any qualms.


On the other hand, I've worked in pubs where Mum or Dad has just sat at the bar for hours on end (usually on a Sunday afternoon), loaded the child up with coke and crisps and let them run riot. Horrible to see.

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I totally agree with you when we go out for a drink on our own or with the kids i want to have a nice time and my kids only get up from their seats if they need the toilet. It seems that a lot of parents take their kids to pubs and forget they are there they just let them run riot and then that spoils everyone elses night.

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On the other hand, I've worked in pubs where Mum or Dad has just sat at the bar for hours on end (usually on a Sunday afternoon), loaded the child up with coke and crisps and let them run riot. Horrible to see.



I remember listening to a pub debate on Radio Five Live last year about pubs,a landlord was telling a story about an alcove under a flight of stairs in his pub was refered on Sunday afternoon's as 'The Nursery';often full of buggys and kids on stools left to their own devices.Anyway one customer not connected to the parents with the unattended kids prevented a near fatal accident,but the child was injured an needed treatment at casuality.When the landlord informed the unaware parent of the accident,the mother carted the poor little 'un off to the hospital up the road....still with pint in hand!

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My wife and I eat out in one of our locals quite often (usually once a week, maybe more) and nearly always take our two girls. Both pubs have a kid-friendly policy which we always adhere to and whenever we are out and go to a pub we're not familiar with, one of us will go in and ask what their policy with children is.




I wish everyone would do this, instead of just assuming you can bring children into any pub. Where I work, only children over 14 are welcomed, but you get some families bringing children, they ignore the signs (2 on the way in) and look shocked when you say "no they can't sit outside either"

When I have children, I wouldn't dream of taking them to the pub until they were old enough to sit quietly and be well behaved, not running around and shouting getting on everyones nerves.

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i never usually respond to any of the chat in here .. but this has peed me off


i bet none of the people winging about kids in pubs actually have kids !


you see I could be one of those dads who doesnt spend time wih my kid but works all week hands some money to the missus and then goes to the pub all weekend to get bladered.I dont ,i spend as much time as possible with my kid .... if that means that i fancy a couple of pints down my local then i usually go with my boy and wife .. hes 3


ive got another idea ,,,, if you dont like kids in pubs ...dont go the pub !


its not the 1970's anymore .. kids are not something to be ignored and not heard !!! .. get a grip ....... i usually ask my son to behave when hes in the pub and he does ... the landlords usually encouage kids ...... they are good money


anyway next time im in the pup with my boy im going to break the habit of a lifetime and tell him to be as noisy as possible ...hopefully when one of the anti children people in here will be sat next to me


watch me smile !!!


i think its out of order to expect kids to sit in a pub while mum & dad get drunk, why not try taking them to the park etc? yes, i have kids b4 you ask

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As long as the kids are well behaved and the parents are responsible, I don't see a problem. There should be pubs that are solely for adults though. It's a pity that a lot of child friendly places are those terrible plastic pubs with ball pools and the like.

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