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What do you think about children in pubs?

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  • 1 year later...
I had to endure some kids running around screaming in the otherwise peaceful garden of the University Arms last Friday, while their idiot parents sat at the other end of the garden looking over occassionally (I assume to check we weren't molesting them or something).


They could have least let them run around in their own space instead of mine - but then I suppose they were wanting to go and relax at the pub.


A woman on an adjacent table to ours clearly wasn't too impressed either, and proceeded to blow smoke over the little horrors. :D


blowin smoke on kids, that really nice :mad:

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There could be an easy way around this whereby prior to entering everybody knows what the pub's policy is regarding children and families.


As a parent I often take my kids in pubs but there are times when I want to be kid-free and to find a pub bereft of the little darlings.


I advocate a simple traffic light system, a sign by the entrance to the pub which clearly illustrates whether that pub is kid-free or not.


A red circle - no kids allowed at any time;


An amber circle - kids allowed during certain hours or possibly if eating only. The hours to be stipulated within the amber disc (say 12-2 and 6-9) with any additional conditions stated beneath; &


A green circle - meaning families welcome (with the time kids must be off the premises stated in the green disc) and any further conditions stated beneath.


This way, we all know where we stand. There's nothing more embarrassing than walking into a pub - usually in a town we're not familiar - to be told children are not allowed on the premises. I go and ask beforehand if I happen to be in some strange place.


Some pubs welcome families without making a song and dance about it. Others display the Children's Charter which is at least a foot in the right direction. As more pubs close, like it or not, the majority will be left with no choice but to cater for families.


But we certainly need kid-free places just to maintain at least some sanity!

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