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Prince Edward School, 1940/50/60s

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the pony was kept in a stable in someomes back yard, I think it was a greengrocers and came on to greenland road.My father would walk miles with my bro. and me on the ponys back. One day coming to the bottom of POW rd a boy slid down a wall at the bottom of pool RD and frightened the pony which set off at a gallop for his stable. HE went straight accross and down Greenland road round the corner into the stable yard and stopped dead at the closed door. I finished up stood up in the saddle with my 2 hands flat to the top door. I was quite pleased with myself but poor old dad came puffing into the yard as white as a ghost.


I have a chest infection at the moment and was trying to read your letter to my husband, could not do it for coughing and laughing, you should write a short story on your life, I do family history and would have loved to have found this in our family.

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I was there in the 50's. I came from a private school in Boston Spa but the kids at Prince Edward were realy kind to me. The only person I can remember the name of is June Buxton. She was always so well dressed and her parents lived in the prefabs nearby.

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I was there in the late fifties and early sixties. Mrs Newsome was the reception class teacher in the infants, her daughter was my friend Ruth. I remember Mrs Webster, she slapped my legs once for losing a skipping rope. Mr Ludbrooke, and Miss Pilgrim who used to come to school with odd stockings on (one seamed and dark, the other unseamed and light!) The headmaster was Mr Vernon Cross. We had a visiting teacher from Norway called Mrs Tunyum. In the summer I remember the girls dancing round the maypole and the boys doing morris dancing.

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On my first day at school, Mrs Newsome made me kiss a boy better because I'd hit him with a spade as he wouldn't let me have the bucket to play with in the sand pit. I also remember Ruth and her younger brother Paul(?). I think Ruth was in the same year as me in the juniors but the class above me, so we might know each other tasha 78.


I got my legs smacked by Mrs Webster for getting my sums wrong and by Miss Pilgrim for not knowing the steps to a dance because I'd been absent for the previous dancing lesson.


Other teachers I remember are Mrs Brunt (infants), Mrs Staton, Mrs Warden, Mr Walsh, Mrs Moore, Mrs Stephenson, Mrs Bingham and Mr Swift.

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Yes, Ruth did have a younger brother called Paul. Do you remember Mrs Allan and Mrs Ballard. They were the two ladies who used to come in at lunchtime to do yard patrol. Mrs Ballard lived in the last prefab on the left going down Ridgeway Road on the corner with Newlands Road and was always the nicer of the two. Mrs Allan was a bit strict

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i didnt go to prince edwards but had a few mates that did, mick cowan,digger weston,pete bodell,dave weston ,harry hewitt ,the dells to name a few, way back in the early 1960's


Hasn't dave weston got a brother called Roy & is it true that Digger passed away a couple of years back?

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